Tuesday 13 July 2010

July 2010

How fast has this year gone? July already... little Miss Em will be 1 before I can blink.

I have a few updated pics of the family and the kitchen.

Miss Em 19/06/2010 (6 weeks)

Miss Em 21/06/2010 (6 weeks)

Lewis & Riley 19/06/2010

Lewis 19/06/2010

Miss Em 12/07/2010 (9 weeks)

Miss Em and Mummy 12/07/2010 (9 weeks)

Miss Em and Mummy 12/07/2010 (9 weeks)

Lewis, Emily & Riley 13/07/2010 (9 weeks)

Our new kitchen (looking east) & Riley 13/07/2010

Our new kitchen (looking south) & Riley 13/07/2010

Our new kitchen (looking north) & Riley 13/07/2010

My 3 kids 13/07/2010 (9 weeks)

We just have to put the doors on our kitchen cupboards, order the bench-tops and buy our appliances and we're done! I am pretty excited about having a functional kitchen!

Emily is doing great! Sleeping well, still feeding her and she adores the boys!

Love and baby-cheeks,

Sunday 23 May 2010

Emily Rose Urquhart

Well, the big day arrived! Starting at 4'Oclock Friday morning (7th May 2010) when my water broke.
We got to the hospital to wait for the contractions to kick in, so quite deservingly Ben had a nap :)
Our gorgeous little Emily Rose was born at 3:11pm, which marked the final chapter to the Ben-Jes family!

Some stats;
Weight: 6lbs 14oz
Length: 50cm
Head: 33cm
Hair: Little bit of dark hair?
Eyes: Blue

She is definately a little Urquhart (like the boys) and very much like Riley. Riley was so pleased with his new little sister. He said to Ben just after he met her "Dad, we are a REAL family now" LOL not sure what he thought we were before???

We were amazed at how perfect Emily was when she was born. No mishaped head, no pressure marks etc. Just perfect!

My little angel x x x

My 3 angels x x x Lewis aged 8 years 7 months, Riley aged 4 years 5 months and Emily aged 4 days old.

This was taken the day after she was born (the day before Mother's Day) Me, Nan, Mum and Emily.

So, all in all the past 2 weeks have flown (like Groundhog day) but I am nearly 100%, Emily is eating and sleeping beautifully, the boys are very settled with their new sister (no jelousy or feeling left out etc), Ben back at work, rennos going full steam ahead and life in general is perfect.

Love and new babies,

Tuesday 30 March 2010

House Renno's - Kitchen

This is the pictures of the kitchen. This one is the biggest transformation as we turned a bedroom and a void area into the kitchen by removing a wall in between. Probably hard to invisage where it is, but the windows that you see in the kitchen run alongside our carport.

Pictured below is the bedroom (looking toward the office). The doors have been closed in now.

Pictured below is the other room that makes up the kitchen. The wall where the computers are closest is now gone. I tried to get pictures with the windows because you can visually see where everything is.

Same window, but the wall has not been removed as yet. The floors are pretty much all gone.

Pictured below, the wall in between the two rooms is gone. Ben pictured here removing the last of the old floorboards. Just to give you some perspective, I am standing in the dining room taking this picture.

This is pretty much the same picture (Ben standing in the same spot) just taken from another angle. The opening you can see is the old doors to the office. That is closed in now.

Starting to lay the new floorboards.

Floorboards down.

Same pic as above, only from a different angle. Again, standing in the dining room taking this pic.

Same pic as the 2 above, only we had a bit of a clean up!

Ok, now the windows are coming out and the new one's going in. I will add some pictures at the end of what it looks like from the outside.

This is the same view, but what the kitchen looks like this morning. The wall you can see (with windows) will have benchtop pretty much the whole length. The spot in between the windows will be oven / rangehood. Again, I am standing in the dining room taking this pic.

The view from the outside.

Same, view from the outside.

Windows going in.

Both windows are in (below) but Ben didnt completely cut out the weatherboard on the outside yet. Looks bloody flash from the outside (building materials and rubbish everywhere, windows half boarded up) LOL but we are getting there.

Once the inside is finished we will be fixing up the front of the house (with blue board I think) so it will look like it is brick render. So, should look pretty sweet!

House Renno's - Baby's Room

Before, during and after photos of the baby room. Pictured below is baby room looking toward the office. We removed those doors and closed that in.

The view of the window (loungeroom behind me, office to the right and Riley room to the left).

With the walls and floors gone. Office behind me, window to the right, loungeroom to the left and looking towards Riley room. We also closed in that door way.

The view of the old window with the walls removed.

Same wall, new window.

Same wall, new window, new walls.

Pictured below is the same room, with my back to the window, looking towards the door. The door was originally in the middle of the room and we moved it to the left. So directly out that door is the loungeroom and the office is hard-left when you walk out the door.

Baby's room just needs cornice, skirting boards, paint, built-in robe, carpet and last but not least - the baby.... awwwww

House Renno's - Loungeroom

Again, this is the loungeroom (tried to include pictures from the same angles so you can get an idea of how much we've done).

Apparently I didnt take many from this angle, so I will do another angle as well.

Carpet coming up - pictured below. Not much of a task, as it was held down by masking tape LOL.

This is not entirely from the same angle, but this is what all the floors looked like. Ben had to re-stump the entire front of the house!

This is what the loungeroom looked like this morning. Again, from the same angle as the first pic. The room you can see through the doorway (straight ahead) is the office. The door to the left is the baby's room. To the right is the dining room and behind me is the boys rooms.

Now I will do the same room from another angle.

This is the rear of the loungeroom. Standing near the dining room.

Standing in the same spot, sort of with the new floorboards.

This is the same view, from a different angle. Where there was an opening above, we put a wall in and a sliding door. This is the entrance to the boys rooms and it is at the back of the loungeroom.

House Renno's - Dining Room

Ok, so we are on the down-hill run now. Thought I would do a post room-by-room including the before, during and current pictures. So bare with me!

Ok, first up is the dining room. It was originally the kitchen. I have tried to pick the pictures that have all been taken from the same angle.

Pictured below (from the same angle) is the destruction picture LOL. Had to pull the floors and walls out etc.

Pictured below is the new floorboards going down.

Pictured below is the ceiling and walls going up.

Pictured below is what the dining room looked like this morning!

To give you an idea of where the dining room is - at the left (white sliding doors) is the rear of the house. To the right is the loungeroom. I was standing in the kitchen to take this picture.

The dining room needs cornices, skirting boards, paint and floor polished then it's done.