Monday 14 April 2008

I've Moved!!!

I am in Broken Hill (got here Saturday) and I start my new job tomorrow.

Riley started day care today - very sad to drop him off at a new place, he will be right god love him.

Lewis is on school holidays for 2 weeks, he is in Cobar with Ben at the moment and going to the cobar show this weekend then he will come over to me.

I am living in a house provided by my company and the owner of the house (and they live next door) is an old family friend that we have known for years. He is a caterer and dropped me over some rissoles and salads last night. He will probably keep me well fed while i am here LOL. His daughter Cassie lives on the other side of me and is Jen's long time friend and has a new baby. I just love babies, so i might pop over for a visit soon and get cl cl clucky LOL.

I have no idea what to do today without Riley... hmmmm sleep.. ha ha ha.

I have to go for a wander in a minute and buy some smokes. I have a drive-through bottle-o on the corner, a doctor across the road, a park, a chemist and a few other shops up the road.

I am pretty far away from mum & dad's, but they are only a phone call away :)

Best go and do something zzzzzzzzzz just kidding, i might go down to mum & dad's work for a sticky beak.

Love and new beginnings,

Tuesday 8 April 2008

Pictures of our house

Here are some pictures, as promised.

This is our entertainment area / patio before the renno's.
This is the area after.

patio after

This is the other end of the patio before.

patio 2 before

This is the other end after (skews the mess).

patio 2 after

The front yard before.

front before

The front yard after.

front yard

The kitchen before (not entirely the beginning, but oldest pic I could find).

kitchen before

The kitchen after.

kitchen after

The dining room before (looking from the loungeroom).

dining before

The dining room after. The walls still need painting.

dining after

Now for some recent pics (without the before shots).
The doors we put on out the back in the patio.
back doors
The front of the house (showing the patio area).
The bathroom.
Kitchen / Dining.
kitchen dining
Out the front (note house been rendered).
driveway 1
Back yard.
back yard after
Loungeroom (facing the main entrance) dog kept getting in the shots LOL.
Master bedroom.
master bedroom
Another of the kitchen.
Lewis's room.
lew room
Riley's room.
rileys room

Saturday 5 April 2008

If your happy and you know it, clap your hands

Clap Clap

Yeah, yeah!! thanks for your comments by the way - glad to know you drop in every now and again.

I have some great news.... I got the job i wanted in Broken Hill. I dont know if i am happier about the job, going to broken hill or just getting out of this shit hole. LOL doesnt really matter now does it?

So, the job you were asking...

My title will be Training & Development Advisor with Bemax (mineral sands resources) based in Broken Hill. There is a mine site (Ginko) about 2 hrs away (Pooncarie) but i will only have to visit the mine 1 or 2 times a week (day trip).

Bemax have apparently won tonnes of awards for their training departement - but i think i can work to their expectations (hope so anyhow).

The work is still in the mining industry, not hardrock / underground (which is what i am used to) but mineral sands like titanim and other minerals that are brought back to broken hill mineral seperation plant to be treated. I am sure i will be an expert before you know it.

Mum has been busily looking for houses for me - Bemax will put me up in a house for up to 14 weeks, so that should be plenty of time for me to find a house to buy, sell my house and settlements etc. Ben is almost finished our house and i promise to look for some before photos and post a heap of comparative pictures - we have done so much to the house, you would barely recognise it.

I have been having a lot of dreams lately and all of them, very subtly are telling me things that i really need to be aware of. Leaving cobar, moving, friends, family and other matters that fill my head with worry.

So i feel very clear that this is where i am supposed to go - even the date that i am supposed to start (14th April) have very strange, yet amazing significance for me.

Ben is staying in Cobar - hopefully getting his job at the CSA.

So Lewis, Riley, Puppy and i will move house next week (most probably Thurs / Fri) and i will start work the following monday.

I feel like a bitch, because all i want to do is tell everyone that i know to get F&%ked and start all over - ha ha ha. I have felt (particularly with in-laws) that i have only ever been spoken to when they want help with something - noone drops in for a cuppa or rings me for a chat.

Nearly 30 years old and i have not a friend to speak of - but, i have 2 beautiful sons, a wonderful mother and an amazing twin - what more do i need :)

None of the in-laws know that i am moving yet, i will tell them soon.