Monday 30 April 2007

At Home

Hiya, back at home (until tomorrow afternoon). I will have to say that this hasn't been my best break - lots of tantrums, lots of tears (me, not the kids LOL) so looking forward to going back to work, then coming home and trying again - if you know what i mean.

All is FINE now, thanks for asking! Everything else is in the vault - so don't ask ;)

Here is a picture of Riley trying to headbutt me (i have received many headbutts since i have been home).

He just loves climbing anything and jumps up and down on you as hard as he can - ouch!

Lewis - as usaul, on his skateboard - taken last break.

My little rat-bag (yes Mum, i know he needs a haircut LOL)

The boys having a snack.

Did I tell you I have 3 kids???

Me and my boys!

My Lewis - so grown up now.

Riley still hurting me - skews the mess :)

Ok - there you go Jen... some updated photos for you. I have some of the house renno's, but i will post pictures of that once the renno's are finished.

Love and nothing much,

Sunday 22 April 2007

1 More Sleep

Going home tomorrow after work. Wont be home until Tuesday morning.

Thats all.

Sunday 15 April 2007

Sunday Bloody Sunday

Hi y'all,

Just over a week until I go home and I am feeling so flat.

Bad Diet?
Hot Weather?
Missing Ben & Boys?

Don't quite know what's up, but I definately need cheering up. So if you have any jokes or funny stories or ANYTHING... you can email me on;

Love & 'Somewhere over Rainbows',

Wednesday 11 April 2007

I'm Back

Hi there, back at work for another 2 weeks.

I hit a kangaroo (again) on my way to Dubbo on Monday night. I dented up the bonnet a bit and smashed the headlight. I stayed in the motel again and flew out on Tuesday morning - was that yesterday??? LOL.

The flights were long winded. Honestly... like i wasnt sick of flying already and the Nifty flight took forever. We stopped at Meekathara (look it up) and Newman for fuel and landed here at about 5:30pm. As soon as i got off the plane i had to swap bedrooms, then had dinner and caught up with everyone.

So back at work today and Sally will be landing in Perth in about 20 minutes. She wont arrive to site until this afternoon.

Nothing much else for now.

Love & sweet nothings,


Sunday 8 April 2007

Happy Easter

Happy Easter Every Bunny!

I head back to work tomorrow. Well, to Dubbo to stay in a motel, then off to work first thing Tuesday morning.

My break has consisted of falling asleep everytime i sit down and having heaps of fun with the kids. Lewis has had friends over everyday and keeps pretty busy. Riley is just gorgeous! He is talking so much and being very affectionate with me.

Ben has done heaps to the house/yard, but i cant put pictures on because i cant find the cord to download pics off the camera. Will keep looking - cause the memory card is full and i havent taken easter photos of the kids yet.

Lewis is out the back at present playing with his friends, Riley is asleep in my bed (another story) and Ben is.... i dont know - he drove off a little while ago. So i thought i would update the blog.

I feel like such a visitor at the moment. Like i am just visiting rellos - not being in my own home. This is hard to explain.. but Ben has his routines with the kids and because of the recent renovations, everything has moved and i dont know where anything is. I have only washed 1 load of clothes since i have been home and i mopped the floors today and basically there is nothing else to do. Weird?

We went out for a few hours last night and left the kids with Aunty Leisa. Pretty much home by 7:30pm and in bed by 8pm. I layed in bed for about 3 hours - just couldnt sleep. Not that i had anything on my brain... just couldnt sleep. There was 4 of us in the bed and after carrying Riley into his bed and Lewis into his - i had my bed back. I am surprised that Ben didnt kick me out though - because i just tossed and turned all night. Riley woke at about 6:30 this morning and we got into some chocolate (Riley did).

Lewis woke up (I woke him up) at about 9am only for him to tell me that someone at school told him that the easter bunny wasnt real. How do you answer this as a responsible parent? "Lewis - the kids that tell you that nonsense are too naughty to get easter eggs - that is why they make up these lies. There is an easter bunny and if you dont believe me, you are not having any easter eggs". There! I am such a bitch - but why would a 5 year old go to school and tell all the other kids that? I will find out who the kid is and kick there little butt! LOL. Cummon, I still belive in Santa and the easter bunny and i am nearly 28 (thanks mum & dad for making it magical for us).

So i cooked the boys breakfast (eggs, bacon, sausages, steak, onion, tomato, toast, coffee). Then the kids had some chocolate. I have only broken a little bit off a bunny so far.

Nothing much else to report.

Love and Easter Eggs,

Sunday 1 April 2007

1 More Sleep

This is what the sky looks like this morning - BEAUTIFUL! I woke up this morning and thought it was raining and could have cried. But, must have been my imagination because the weather is just fine. So I should be out of here on the PM flight tomorrow (arriving in Perth 7:30pm). I am not going to do anything in Perth as I really couldnt be bothered. So, if you are in Perth - come to the airport tomorrow night for a drink, because that is where i will be :)

I have a busy-ish day today. I have to tidy everything up and make sure everything is hunky-dory before I go.

How cute is this picture - I found it the other day.

Lena mms'd this picture to me the other day - I love it.

Love & Chubby Bubby's