Saturday 11 August 2007

Back @ Work

I am back at work. I had to go home last week as Riley was sick (damn day care) and he needed his mummy (as you do). I need my mummy sometimes too * hint hint mumma :)

Anyhow, Riley is all better and now i am back at work, only for a few days. I head back on Tuesday.

I am putting Ben on the plane Tuesday night so he can head home to Cobar and bring the car over. He is driving across the nullabor - good on him eh... glad i dont have to do it.

So the kids and i will be alone *mu ha ha ha... should be fun, fun, fun at camp Urquhart!

No doubt Ben will get roped into doing some work while he is home - i told him to hide... ha ha ha "have faith Jes".

Mary rang the other day and we had a nice chat. Her kids have been a bit sick too - must be the winter thing. I cant wait until they come for a visit (January) YAY. I am hoping Craig brings his resume with him.

Mum and Dad have booked their flights to come spend new years with us - YAY very excited about that too. Ben and I may ditch Mum, Dad and the kids on New Years Eve to finally have a annaversary, after Riley's birthday that is. Will have to check with Mumma bear though.

Ok, better do some work - I am starting a new job on the 15th - more details soon - and definately some action photos!

Love & 'a little something, something"


Suzi said...

Yes, well. You do have PLENTY of time to organise a night out for your ?3rd? anniversery.
We can have Rileys birthday in the middle of the day and you can 'check out' then and be back the next day.
Make it a nice place, eg Hyatt for dinner and a room otherwise it won't be worth it for you.

Jes said...

Mum, yes it will be our 3rd anniversery. We havent celebrated even one yet - as i was in hospital having Riley on our first and traveling to Sydney on our 2nd, so this should be nice. THANKYOU.