Sunday 25 November 2007

Hello there

Happy Birthday Sarah Davidson for today!

Happy Birthday to Bradman for the 8th.

Happy Birthday Emma for the 13th.

I miss so many peoples birthdays - so sorry if I have forgotten yours.

Happy Birthday to Jenny-foofy and ME for Friday! Yes, yes we are turning 20... Baaaaaaaa not friggin likely!

Happy Birthday to Rich for Sunday - pretty crap that you have to have your birthday at work - have a drink for me eh?

Happy annaversery for Mum and Dad for Friday too!


Bye now - -

Love and 'cheers for the future'


Anonymous said...

Bless you, I feel your pain matey. If you need anything, I mean anything you know where I am.

Talk soon
Missing you all.

Congie XXX

The Candid Bandit said...

Great to see you back Jes, sorry to hear bout your job (mum filled me in).

Now, is this JULIE'S life or yours? You do have a choice you know. People can only control you when you let them.

I keep forgetting to ask you, did Riley love his creche and did Lewis love his new school?

Suzi said...

Welllllll, i, selfishly,will enjoy having you closer.
We can go shopping. Once a month, if you like. We could even sneak off to Adelaide.
I did think that you had some 'bottled up' feelings the other night when I was talking to you.
My new motto is "Turn a negative into a positive" It keeps me sane,
me thinks
Love n all that piss us off

Kimberley-Pin said...

Ohhhh Jes, sorry your western adventure has come to an end. Just writing a note to myself to make sure I never try and drag my sons back home whenever I feel lonely.... (Truthfully, they are the ones who follow ME, I've tried leaving a false forwarding address...) But after reading your post, I think I wil ring Simone and make sure moving to Darwin is what SHE wants, not just what Charlie wants...

Was it not appropriate for Ben to say "not just yet mum??"


Hayley said...

Back so soon?

I'm looking forward to seeing a little more of you now that you're going to be back out west (but not, I guess, from where you're coming from...)

Sorry the adventure didn't work out


Hayley said...

just thought, though, at least you got him to go in the first place, hey? (I know first hand how hard it can be to get the man to move from his home town...)

That alone is something to be proud of!

Jen said...

Did I miss something?
The comments don't match the entry??
So... happy birthday to you for Friday, wasn't it 21?

Happy birthday to everyone else too...

Anonymous said...

It's not the help or the endless amount of supportin making Nifty wat it is today (sliding down hill fast now)that i miss so much, it's your smile ang quick witted way and the smile's you were able to put on my face and the face of many others that i miss the most.
This door has closed but i'm sure many others will open for you in the future