Monday 17 March 2008

Happy Easter / St Pat's Day

Hi All,

We are all fine and dandy. I have a couple of pictures of Lewis' Easter / St Pat's Day at school the other day. We had a child - sized akubra (spelling) and I added fluffy rabbit ears to the side, a fuzzy tail on the back and a rabbit face on the front. Pretty boring I know, but he loved it and it was a chance for him to wear his cowboy boots to school :).

The next one is a side view of our creation.

This is the swing set I put together for the kids (am I clever or what?) kidding - Ben helped (minimally).

Last pic is Riley & Bradman last weekend at Mum's house. * Pic stolen fair and square from Taylor Talk *

I had a phone interview for a job today and 3 hrs later they called me back for a 2nd, face-to-face interview. I am so nervous and worried and scared, but i will get over it.

Wish me luck!

Oh - give me a "Yeah Yeah" if you still read me - no point writing for no one eh?


Suzi said...

yeah yeah
I am a reader. I don't always leave a comment on blogs, sorry guys

The Candid Bandit said...

Yeah Yeah!

Im here.

Great easter hat. Not boring at all!

Anonymous said...

Yeah Yeah Hell Yeah
Loving the hat and boots combo thats my boy!
Has the swing set fallen apart yet?
Whats this job, anyway i'll have all fingers and toes crossed for you.
Says hi to the boys and ben the builder for me

Jen said...

Yeah yeah!

Unknown said...

ditto yeah yeah ! I've done the swing thing - did you get it all right the 1st time - from memory I had issues with the double seat swing. Worth it in the end and a major accomplishment. Look forward to the next update.

Kimberley-Pin said...

Me to yeah yeah, don't always comment, but always smile to myself!! What's the job Jes, and how did the interview go???

Jes said...

Chloe - swing set not fallen apart yet thanks! LOL

Chrissie - yeah, got it right the first time (only cause i was project manager, not ben) but strangely enough, i had heaps of 'spare parts' hahahaha dont know if they were in fact spare.

Pin - just did a new post regarding the job. How are you? Wheres your blog update?