Monday 12 May 2008

Baby's Big Day Out

Happy Mother's Day all you Yummy Mummy's out there!

I nearly had a tragic Mother's day, it was however a very thankful Mother's Day.

Riley slipped out the front door on Saturday afternoon. We only moved into the new place on Friday night! Mum and Nan were visiting and Ben came in and said "where's Riley"? We all started looking for him and we went out the front, looked left and right, then back inside for more searching. Back out the front a couple of times then Ben decided to head down the street for a look. I saw a young girl across the road (out front of hospital) and i saw her pointing. We yelled out to them and asked what she was pointing at and she motioned a little kid. So, i bolted (in the opposite direction to Ben) and got to the corner. I looked back at the girl and threw my hands in the air (like "where now"???) she pointed and i ran. I was running down the road yelling out to Riley and all the while thinking "he wouldnt run off - he is probably at home - holy crap where is he" then in the distance i saw a little boy in a red shirt standing on the corner of Williams street. Note to non-Broken Hill goers, Williams street is the major truck route. So I yelled out again and he heard me and started running back to me. We ran towards each other with arms open. I started crying and carried him back to our corner when a worried Lewis, Ben, Grandmother and Great Grandmother were anxiously waiting.

I was beside myself really. Later that afternoon Ben was visiting a mate and i was drinking a coffee and the boys were playing in the sandpit with the dog. I was sitting down watching them and i couldnt stop crying. I am so thankful that the little girl pointed me in the write direction, i am thankful that Ben asked "where's Riley" and i am just thankful that my little babe is ok.

I dont like to think about "What if's" but sometimes you cant help it. God love me, I am all teary again.

God bless my little boys.

The boys at the park the other day.
Lewis in his school uniform.
Happy 30th Ben for last month! Here is the cake I got him. That plaque was made completely of chocolate (yummy).
Everyone (including his Mum, Dad and family forgot his birthday). He feld sad enough for turning 30, and not a single phone call. Poor thing. Hope the birthday cake made up for it. Me and the kids remembered of course!


Anonymous said...

Do u remember when lewy did that to us in the shopping centre in dubbo?
I remembered his bday, i mean how could i for get really!! LOL

The Candid Bandit said...

I'm so greatful you found him. What a horrific experience. I can't imagine what you went through but I would have sat and cried too.

Happy Birthday to Ben.

Anonymous said...

Hey jess, you move around as much as me. First things first, thank god your little man is alright. i lost Joe in the shopping centre once and I though my life was going to end right there, i was crying and running around like a mad woman and people were stareing at me like a crazy. They are so fast and have no concern for themselves at that age. Just remember that about 90% of us have done it, even in your own home so dont beat yourself up about it, it just makes us stronger and gives a reason to explain to them how bad things could have been. Now secong thing I have managed to get on my blogger through a link, how do I change my email login address as it is still cmpl and we all know that account has closed. if you can help me that would be great. i cant get in and change or add things untill I can change the email address. Please help.
Luv lesley

Jes said...

Lesley, i just put a comment on your blog re: changing your details.
You should still be able to log into the dashboard with your cmpl email address, then go in and change the settings.
Hope that helps.