Monday 25 January 2010

Baby Star - In the Making

Baby Star

Below: 8 Weeks

Baby Star

Below: 17 Weeks

Baby Star

Below: 22 Weeks

 Baby Star

Below: 32 Weeks

P.S: Baby Star started when we told Riley that we were having another baby and he decided that was it's name... so it stuck


Jen said...

That is SO cute! You are so tiny in the first pic.

Jes said...

It was really weird Jen, I pretty much had nothing until 18 weeks - then literally just popped! Havent changed much since last pic though, hope I dont get as big as I did with Riley WHOA... he was huge x x x

The Candid Bandit said...

Jes you did an awesome job getting yourself to a healthy weight before Baby Star came. By the way I love that name!

Cute cute cute.

Foofy, where is your blog again.

Jen said...

It's linked to Jessie's.... i think?
It must be a girl, because you were definately bigger with the boys!

Hayley said...

What a beautiful little tum!