Sunday 23 May 2010

Emily Rose Urquhart

Well, the big day arrived! Starting at 4'Oclock Friday morning (7th May 2010) when my water broke.
We got to the hospital to wait for the contractions to kick in, so quite deservingly Ben had a nap :)
Our gorgeous little Emily Rose was born at 3:11pm, which marked the final chapter to the Ben-Jes family!

Some stats;
Weight: 6lbs 14oz
Length: 50cm
Head: 33cm
Hair: Little bit of dark hair?
Eyes: Blue

She is definately a little Urquhart (like the boys) and very much like Riley. Riley was so pleased with his new little sister. He said to Ben just after he met her "Dad, we are a REAL family now" LOL not sure what he thought we were before???

We were amazed at how perfect Emily was when she was born. No mishaped head, no pressure marks etc. Just perfect!

My little angel x x x

My 3 angels x x x Lewis aged 8 years 7 months, Riley aged 4 years 5 months and Emily aged 4 days old.

This was taken the day after she was born (the day before Mother's Day) Me, Nan, Mum and Emily.

So, all in all the past 2 weeks have flown (like Groundhog day) but I am nearly 100%, Emily is eating and sleeping beautifully, the boys are very settled with their new sister (no jelousy or feeling left out etc), Ben back at work, rennos going full steam ahead and life in general is perfect.

Love and new babies,

1 comment:

The Candid Bandit said...

I love all these!

A picture tells a thousand words and I can totally see Emily completes your family.