Sunday 25 November 2007

Hello there

Happy Birthday Sarah Davidson for today!

Happy Birthday to Bradman for the 8th.

Happy Birthday Emma for the 13th.

I miss so many peoples birthdays - so sorry if I have forgotten yours.

Happy Birthday to Jenny-foofy and ME for Friday! Yes, yes we are turning 20... Baaaaaaaa not friggin likely!

Happy Birthday to Rich for Sunday - pretty crap that you have to have your birthday at work - have a drink for me eh?

Happy annaversery for Mum and Dad for Friday too!


Bye now - -

Love and 'cheers for the future'

Saturday 27 October 2007

We're Still Alive...

Here are some random pics i have taken over the past month.
Lewis going to a haloween disco - he dresed as the devil.
Lewis on his birthday.
Riley's first night in his 'big bed' last night. Didnt stay there long.
Lewis on a boat last week - going to penguin island.
Ben on the boat.
Baby penguins on penguin island.
Riley at the Perth Show.
Lewis at the Perth Show.
Some birds?? Penguin Island.
Some seals on Seal Island.
Some birds on Seal Island.
Some islands at Rockingham.
Pelicans on Penguin Island.
Have a good week y'all.
Love & Happy Feet,

Friday 28 September 2007

Happy Birthday Mum & Dad

I was going to go home this weekend for the McClure Family reunion, Mum's 50th, Dad's belated birthday & Ben had a wedding to go to at Louth (his brother) but we decided not to go - mainly due to work committments and being so goddam far away from everyone.

Ben was going to drive the kids back for the school holidays - but, again too far.

I hope eveyone has fun this weekend and doesnt get up to too much mischeif.

I will be going back to work on Monday and working a Monday-Friday roster for a while. I will get weekends at home, but lots of travel back and forward.

Love & family gatherings,

Sunday 16 September 2007

Some Photos

Hi y'all,
I have been on break and go back to work tomorrow. If you have tried to ring my mobile I have turned it off cause I left my charger at work last week.

Here are some pictures for you.
Lewis & Riley playing

Riley on the skateboard.

The boys being silly.

The boys skateboarding.

The lake near our house.

Riley in the car.

A seal at the aquarium.

Lewis, Riley, me and a huge sting-ray??

Lewis and some fish.

Lewis and a huge turtle.

Lewis with a shark behind him.

Riley & me.

Ben and a sting-ray tail.

Be & a shark.
Ben, Lewis and a turtle.

Ben & Riley.

Ben & a huge sting-ray.


Lewis & Riley in front of shark teeth.

Ben & Lewis.

Lewis on a bridge.
Have a good week.
Love and fishies,

Sunday 9 September 2007

Home Tomorrow

Hi Y'all. Having a good week?

My week has been interesting. I have been in my new position at work and have done the last couple of days on my own - so learning lots and generally keeping fairly busy.

I head home tomorrow afternoon to have a wonderful week off with my 3 gorgeous boys. We are going to have a week filled with Fun, Fun, Fun - well I hope so anyway.

Our camera permanently lives in the car now, so i will make sure i get photos of our fun-filled week ahead.

Have to head underground in a minute, so better make this note short and sweet.

Have a good week and be good to your Mother.


Hopfully I will post some family pics in the next few days. No.... I will take some pictures of underground now... bye

Monday 3 September 2007

I Love When Things Go Right

I just had my break and took some pictures of the kids.

Ben and I took the kids to "Fun Station" on Saturday. It ROCKS. Ben and I played on all the things with the kids. Ben got plastic burn to the hands (from the fast purple slide) need I say more. We had a ball.

Here is Lewis in the ball pit.

Riley in the Ball pit. I had to jump in and save him at one stage. He was completely submerged by balls and i couldnt see him. He loved it.

Here are the boys in a tunnel thingy. Lewis took Riley up there by himself. Note: Ben's mobile camera was zoomed as far as it could go - LOL they were so high up.

That is all the pictures I got unfortunately. Note to Self - take camera EVERYWHERE I go.

My break was lovely. Ben went out just about every night (to Poker) and I stayed home with the kids. During the days we hung out and didnt do much at all. I got my hair done and did a bit of shopping.

Father's Day (yesterday) was nice. We had a bit of a sleep in and Ben got some presents from the kids. Ben asked me if I was going to make him breakfast - then started sulking when I didnt. My reply was simply "you wont make me feel guilty, I have never got anything for Mother's Day, birthday's, christmas's etc". LOL.

Love and Stupid Fuckers,
Jes :)

Thursday 23 August 2007

Australia's Biggest Dole Bludger

Hi there,
Got a funny story to tell you;
I went to the local sports centre thingy the other day and signed Riley up to swimming lessons. The minute I walked in the door the woman was so rude and abnoxious to me and treated me like a regular crack whore. I just kept smiling and being super polite (cause that always pisses off bitches like that). Anyway, she asked me if I wanted to pay Rileys tuition by the month. I said No to her (cause i hate people having access to your bank account etc) and she insisted that i pay by the month. This obviously would suit some people, but i insisted to her that i am good, and i would prefer just to pay for the darn thing. So, I gave her my keycard and she rudely waved it in my face and in a smart arse voice said "OK, I am taking out $130 now". I said No worries but so wanted to say to her "oh, can you please only take out only $120 cause i need to by ciggers" ha ha.
To cut a long story short, I said to Ben that when I walked in the door I must have screamed dole bludger for her to treat me like that straight off the bat. So, in conclusion I think I need to doll myself up a bit before going out anywhere. Put a bit of lippy on and my best going out clothes LOL. I was just talking to Jen, telling her the story and in my most serious voice I said to Jen "maybe I need more bling and a gold tooth" - we had a laugh. Jen told me that her and Scott went to buy bridesmaid dresses in Orange and they were told not to touch anything! LOL why do people get labeled like that???
Makes me laugh. I wish I had of thought about it, cause i could have really played up to her and bought $20 of churchies, $50 on one keycard, $35 in another and $25 in IOU's or maybe I could have offered to do her dishes.
He he he

Have a good day y'all.
Love and country bumkins,
Jes xxx

Saturday 11 August 2007

Back @ Work

I am back at work. I had to go home last week as Riley was sick (damn day care) and he needed his mummy (as you do). I need my mummy sometimes too * hint hint mumma :)

Anyhow, Riley is all better and now i am back at work, only for a few days. I head back on Tuesday.

I am putting Ben on the plane Tuesday night so he can head home to Cobar and bring the car over. He is driving across the nullabor - good on him eh... glad i dont have to do it.

So the kids and i will be alone *mu ha ha ha... should be fun, fun, fun at camp Urquhart!

No doubt Ben will get roped into doing some work while he is home - i told him to hide... ha ha ha "have faith Jes".

Mary rang the other day and we had a nice chat. Her kids have been a bit sick too - must be the winter thing. I cant wait until they come for a visit (January) YAY. I am hoping Craig brings his resume with him.

Mum and Dad have booked their flights to come spend new years with us - YAY very excited about that too. Ben and I may ditch Mum, Dad and the kids on New Years Eve to finally have a annaversary, after Riley's birthday that is. Will have to check with Mumma bear though.

Ok, better do some work - I am starting a new job on the 15th - more details soon - and definately some action photos!

Love & 'a little something, something"

Monday 30 July 2007

Long Time No See

Hi there,
Sorry for the lack of posting of late - I will have to set aside a particular time of the day to update my blog.
I have been busier than a dog with 2 *&%$ LOL.
Weather is beautiful and hot here - nearly time to rip out the bikini...NOT!
Havent been doing much except for working. Havent been socialising with anyone this swing either, pretty much just keeping to myself.
How is everyone???
I am fine. Ben is bored. Lewis is excited about living in WA and is loving school. Riley is great - he starts at ABC tomorrow and i think he will really enjoy it. Riley has such a little vocabulary at the moment. Things he can say now;

  • Poo Poo
  • Thankyou
  • Please
  • Get down
  • Get up

Cant really remember, now that i think about it. I will have to write them down when i get home. He is a polite little monster anyhow.

I fly out (back to perth) on Friday 3rd August. Fly back to work Monday 6th August, then home again on 14th August. So now you'll know where i will be.

Happy travels,


Friday 20 July 2007

In WA now

We made the move to WA on Saturday, pretty much without a hitch. I have some photos to go with my commentary.

This first one was taken before we left - Riley jammed a whole piece of bread in his mouth. Thats-a-my-boy!

Next are when we left Cobar at about 5pm on Friday afternoon.

Lewis with a big stick of bubble gum. He fell asleep about 2 minutes into the trip.

Here is Ben waving goodbye.

Here is me waving goodbye. (I wanted to stick my finger up and give Cobar a big birdie, but Ben wouldnt let me).

This one is Riley looking out the window at the clouds.
Same again.

Lewis made a friend on the plane from Dubbo to Sydney. He chatted to Lewis the whole way. I think Lew was a bit peeved he didnt get to look through the window.

Here is a picture of our house.

We went down to Rockingham beach for a look and saw this ship.

Here is the beach again.
Lewis - he was pretty happy to be at the beach.

Lewis posing up for me. Shame you cant see him very well, but you get the picture.

Riley's first look at the Beach. Started running down the hill for a look.

Lewis having a splash.

Ben and Riley on the sand and Lewis having a swim last Sunday.
Lewis giving Riley a horsey ride in the unit we stayed in at Mandarah on Sunday night.

Our back yard.

Ben letting Riley in the back door.

Thats all i had on my phone - well worthy of blogging anyhow. I will take some more pictures with the camera when i get home.
Have a good weekend.
Love & sandy beaches,