Sunday 15 April 2007

Sunday Bloody Sunday

Hi y'all,

Just over a week until I go home and I am feeling so flat.

Bad Diet?
Hot Weather?
Missing Ben & Boys?

Don't quite know what's up, but I definately need cheering up. So if you have any jokes or funny stories or ANYTHING... you can email me on;

Love & 'Somewhere over Rainbows',


Jen said...

I hope you cheer up soon.
Unfortunately i don't have anything funny to share with you right now, but i'm a phonecall away if you need a chat.

Hayley said...

Will try and find some for you!


Jen said...

Hey, i've been trying to call you on the number you sent before you left cobar.
Is everything ok?
I'd love a chat if you're not too busy..


Kimberley-Pin said...

OK, this might cheer you up. Only in remote areas....
My staff member Lisa told me today how a (large) kangaroo jumped through her glass doors right into her house at 1 am one night last year. They heard the noise and thought they had an intruder (and they did), so crept slowly into the foyer and turned on the light to see this big bleeding kangaroo standing staring angrily at them. They then fled to another room , but the roo was confused and scared too, and proceeded to jump right through the house, leaving a trail of destruction and blood all over the walls and the furniture. He totalled most of the tables, chairs and cupboards, and was finally removed by police about an hour later, and had to be put down. She showed me some pics, but they were pretty gruesome, and the roo had left the scene by that time. The Ranger Mine officials (it's a mine house) told her she wasn't to sell the story to the newspapers. So she didn't. Bugger, she could have made a cupla dollars. However, without the roo in the pics, the house just looked like a major crime scene from CSI. Shit, I hope that story didn't make you even more depressed, did it??


Jes said...

Wow, that is a story to keep. Unbelievable - definately not depressing.

Have a good rest of your week.