Thursday 21 June 2007

The Week That Was

Good afternoon fellow bloggers.

Well I have had an intersting couple of weeks.

Firstly - If you are watching ABC tomorrow (22nd June) they are going to air the footage that they taped at Nifty this week. 7:30pm is the time - so, check it out and you can see where I work.

Secondly - I am packing the family and moving to Sunny Perth, WA. YAY - I am so excited and think it is going to be a really positive move. Ben will go into semi-retirement and has heaps of ideas as to what will keep him busy to start with (fishing LOL). I am happy with what I learned and achieved while living in Cobar, but... it is time to move on. There is such a big world out there! I will miss uncle David's wedding as I will be moving state the following week. Hopefully I will be able to fly home for the McClure reunion... fingers crossed. I have found a house in a good area, close to the airport and i have just had confirmation that it is 'very nice'. I just have to wait until the real estate lady faxes me through the application form.

Lastly - Work is going good (apart from being almost dead with the flu) and since I have announced that I will be moving to Perth I have had a couple of conversations about possible jobs/roles etc. More than likely I will just continue to do what I am doing for a while. A guy from a contracting company mentioned the other day that there is a new mine starting up (somewhere near Perth) and they need a safety team to start the mine up and another guy from here said that he maybe going to a new mine in November overseas and asked if I would be interested in going as well. All tyre kicking conversation really - but I am glad that people ask and discuss things with me - makes me feel important :)

I knocked off work early yesterday and went home to bed. I was so sick and cant seem to shake this flu. I will have another early night tonight and see how i wake up tomorrow.

Ok - So I will be in Perth on the 5th & 6th July for a course, then home for 1 week only. I will not have time to do much while I am home as I will be packing the house up. If you feel like catching up and helping out - be my guest, I will be at home the whole week, so bring your boxes and your masking tape :)

That is about all for now. Keep in touch and I will talk soon.

Love and New Beginnings,

Monday 18 June 2007

Hi There

Hey ho,
Not much going on here at Nifty. We had a comedian show last night. 4 comedians tour around going to mine sites etc. They were so funny. I had a few drinks and was home in bed by around 10pm. Tired today. Today ABC are coming out to the mine to film a documentary. I think it is about people working on mine sites - not sure, will find out soon.
Thats it.
Love and funnies,

Friday 15 June 2007

Back at Work Again

Hi Y'all,

I am back again (a few days early). All is good... yeah... um.... have a great week and keep in touch!

Love and Justin Timberlake


Lol, I didnt know what to Love and ??? and i am listening to JT, and he is HOT. Settle down Jes. * * SMACK * *

Tuesday 12 June 2007

Hair Hair Hair Hair (the musical)

Ok, so here are some photos of my new hair. This one was taken by the hair dresser, with my phone just as they finished it. From the back you can see how long it is. If you look closely, you can see my real hair over the top and it is about 5 inches shorter than the extensions. The colour is a bit darker than my hair, but i got it dyed so it matched. I love it by the way - cant get over how real it looks.

Bloody hurts though (pain is beauty, beauty is pain) LOL. The pain went away the first time i washed it - all the clips loosened up and now it is very comfortable.

I took this with my phone when i got back from the hair dressers.

Same - just to show you how long it is. Love it, love it, love it. Did i tell you i love it?

Thats all folks!

Love and 'perdy hair',

Friday 8 June 2007

Fly Out Day Today

Yahoo... leaving work this afternoon and heading home! Well, not straight away. I have my hairdresser appointment in Perth tomorrow and leaving on the red eye tomorrow night. I am looking forward to spending some quality time with the kids and hopefully flying up to see Jen and the kids and Roz and Brianna. Ben wants to do a few things to the house and i thought i would take the boys away for a special week with their Mum. They have never been on a plane before, so i think they will really enjoy themselves.

I will get the hair dresser to take a picture of my hair tomorrow and i will put it on the blog - if i can, it might have to wait until i get home.

I have had a mixed-up kind of swing this fortnight. Started bawling to a workmate the other day because i wanted to snatch it and go home, but after a day that feeling left me and i was back to my usual self. I was due to get my period that day, so bawling was more hormonal than emotional. I feel good now, but still looking forward to my break.

Better get into it and make a dent in my workload before i fly out. I really dont want to, but - cant let the team down. LOL.

I am going to leave you with some inspirational quotes that i found yesterday. I hope they inspire you to keep fighting the great fight!

"Learn from the mistakes of others--you can never live long enough to make them all yourself." (John Luther)

"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: It goes on." (Robert Frost)

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." (Eleanor Roosevelt)

"When all is said and done, a lot more is said than done." (unknown)

"Treat a man as he is, and he will remain as he is. Treat a man as he could be, and he will become what he should be." (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

"To be nobody but yourself in a world that's doing its best to make you somebody else, is to fight the hardest battle you are ever going to fight. Never stop fighting." (E. E. Cummings)

"The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits." (Albert Eistein)

"Success is the sum of small efforts--repeated day in and day out." (Robert Collier)

"Excellence is in the details. Give attention to the details and excellence will come." (Perry Paxton)

"An excuse is worse and more terrible than a lie, for an excuse is a lie guarded." (Pope John Paul II)

Love and Living,
