Thursday 21 June 2007

The Week That Was

Good afternoon fellow bloggers.

Well I have had an intersting couple of weeks.

Firstly - If you are watching ABC tomorrow (22nd June) they are going to air the footage that they taped at Nifty this week. 7:30pm is the time - so, check it out and you can see where I work.

Secondly - I am packing the family and moving to Sunny Perth, WA. YAY - I am so excited and think it is going to be a really positive move. Ben will go into semi-retirement and has heaps of ideas as to what will keep him busy to start with (fishing LOL). I am happy with what I learned and achieved while living in Cobar, but... it is time to move on. There is such a big world out there! I will miss uncle David's wedding as I will be moving state the following week. Hopefully I will be able to fly home for the McClure reunion... fingers crossed. I have found a house in a good area, close to the airport and i have just had confirmation that it is 'very nice'. I just have to wait until the real estate lady faxes me through the application form.

Lastly - Work is going good (apart from being almost dead with the flu) and since I have announced that I will be moving to Perth I have had a couple of conversations about possible jobs/roles etc. More than likely I will just continue to do what I am doing for a while. A guy from a contracting company mentioned the other day that there is a new mine starting up (somewhere near Perth) and they need a safety team to start the mine up and another guy from here said that he maybe going to a new mine in November overseas and asked if I would be interested in going as well. All tyre kicking conversation really - but I am glad that people ask and discuss things with me - makes me feel important :)

I knocked off work early yesterday and went home to bed. I was so sick and cant seem to shake this flu. I will have another early night tonight and see how i wake up tomorrow.

Ok - So I will be in Perth on the 5th & 6th July for a course, then home for 1 week only. I will not have time to do much while I am home as I will be packing the house up. If you feel like catching up and helping out - be my guest, I will be at home the whole week, so bring your boxes and your masking tape :)

That is about all for now. Keep in touch and I will talk soon.

Love and New Beginnings,


Jen said...

v glad that you finally made a decision... i thought you'd be in cobar forever!
Although Cobar is still very far away - Perth is SO far away. I will miss you guys terribly.

Look after your boys alright!

Kimberley-Pin said...

That's a huge decision and I congratulate you both on making it. Is Perth the only option, (I HATE big cities) I guess if you moved to Freo or somewhere further north you might not get the fly in fly out option. Broome is LOVELY tho!!!
Well done, anyway!!!!

Jes said...

Pin, I will be about 10-15 minutes out of the city in a quiet area, so wont be too hustle & bustle. Can't wait by the way - I will be sure to post lots of pics of the move and keep you all up to date.

The Candid Bandit said...

I read this days ago, why isnt my comment here? :(

I think this is a great option.

As dad always said to me "Home will always be here".

I set an alarm on my phone, watched the ABC but nothing came on about Nifty. Ah well.

Jen, this is a positive! You have more chance to visit Jes in Perth than in Cobar. City to city the flights are STACKS cheaper.

(virgin blue have a sale at midday every single day and throw flights out for peanuts..)

Hayley said...

Here's to new adventures!

Have fun moving - uurrghh...

Jodie said...

Hi Jes,
I got your link off Jen's blog, I hope you don't mind.
Wow!!! Congratulations!!! You must be so excited about the new adventure that you're about to start with your little family. I wish you all the best...
