Sunday 1 July 2007

Pinch & a Punch

Happy 1st July.
My baby boy is 18 months old now - my, hasnt' time flown.
I just have to put my favourite picture back in here, dedicated to Riley.

So - HAPPY 1.5 TO MY GORGEOUS BABY BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Back to business...

Not much going on here at Nifty. Getting a bit cold, but beautiful days in general.
Moving in about 2ish weeks - can't frigging wait.
Lesley, Jayde, Kerry etc - I will come say goodbye before I go... Promise.
We shall prove that there is life 'after Cobar'... LOL.
I can't tell you how excited I am... imagine a kid on christmas eve, then double it and multiply by 8, then add the sqare root of 16 and multiply by the angle of a isosceles triangle and divide by the circumference of a 12cm diameter circle. Did you get the answer? Well, it is pretty goddam excited.

Better go do some work - for all you people lazying around on a Sunday with a hangover... remember me getting out of bed at 4:30am to start a day's work.

Have a good ly in y'all.

Love and lazy Sundays...NOT


Anonymous said...

Give him a big kiss for me from his other mum will ya.

Suzi said...

yay. happy 1.5 years Riley.
and Jes have a great trip home today/tomorrow and lots of fun packing up your kit and kaboodle. I'll ring you.
See you soon

Jayde & Diddles said...

You better come visit!!! What day are you guys leaving?? Email me at work on

Chow for now.

Jen said...

I love that pic of Riley with the popper! I can't believe he's one and a half... can't wait to see you all.