Monday 30 July 2007

Long Time No See

Hi there,
Sorry for the lack of posting of late - I will have to set aside a particular time of the day to update my blog.
I have been busier than a dog with 2 *&%$ LOL.
Weather is beautiful and hot here - nearly time to rip out the bikini...NOT!
Havent been doing much except for working. Havent been socialising with anyone this swing either, pretty much just keeping to myself.
How is everyone???
I am fine. Ben is bored. Lewis is excited about living in WA and is loving school. Riley is great - he starts at ABC tomorrow and i think he will really enjoy it. Riley has such a little vocabulary at the moment. Things he can say now;

  • Poo Poo
  • Thankyou
  • Please
  • Get down
  • Get up

Cant really remember, now that i think about it. I will have to write them down when i get home. He is a polite little monster anyhow.

I fly out (back to perth) on Friday 3rd August. Fly back to work Monday 6th August, then home again on 14th August. So now you'll know where i will be.

Happy travels,


Friday 20 July 2007

In WA now

We made the move to WA on Saturday, pretty much without a hitch. I have some photos to go with my commentary.

This first one was taken before we left - Riley jammed a whole piece of bread in his mouth. Thats-a-my-boy!

Next are when we left Cobar at about 5pm on Friday afternoon.

Lewis with a big stick of bubble gum. He fell asleep about 2 minutes into the trip.

Here is Ben waving goodbye.

Here is me waving goodbye. (I wanted to stick my finger up and give Cobar a big birdie, but Ben wouldnt let me).

This one is Riley looking out the window at the clouds.
Same again.

Lewis made a friend on the plane from Dubbo to Sydney. He chatted to Lewis the whole way. I think Lew was a bit peeved he didnt get to look through the window.

Here is a picture of our house.

We went down to Rockingham beach for a look and saw this ship.

Here is the beach again.
Lewis - he was pretty happy to be at the beach.

Lewis posing up for me. Shame you cant see him very well, but you get the picture.

Riley's first look at the Beach. Started running down the hill for a look.

Lewis having a splash.

Ben and Riley on the sand and Lewis having a swim last Sunday.
Lewis giving Riley a horsey ride in the unit we stayed in at Mandarah on Sunday night.

Our back yard.

Ben letting Riley in the back door.

Thats all i had on my phone - well worthy of blogging anyhow. I will take some more pictures with the camera when i get home.
Have a good weekend.
Love & sandy beaches,

Friday 13 July 2007

Man Down / Man Down - Clean Up on Isle 3

Good morning,

I was telling Jen a story on the phone just now, and she insisted i 'blog' it. This story is not for the faint hearted... so i shall rate it G for gross. Here goes;

Chloe and I had a few drinks last night while Ben was out playing poker. We drank until after 12 - so had a few. I didnt feel that drunk, but when I went to bed something woke me. It may have been my concious telling me that I may need to go drive the big white bus, ride the porcelain pony, you get the picture. So I jumped out of bed and headed down the halway. I remember feeling the urge to throw up and figured that I wouldnt make the toilet, so I headed for the kitchen. If anyone has ever been in my house, they will know that the toilet is actually closer to my room than the kitchen - so we will leave that as an unsolved mystery.

So... I did throw up - in my hand (I told you this was gross) but i was running down the hall at this stage. So picture this - running, vomit in hand, girl slips on own vomit and hits the deck. I layed there on the floor, on my belly, looking at my vomit on the floor and then realised that i couldnt breathe. All I wanted to do was yell out "big girl down", but coulndt cause I couldnt breathe. I had winded myself. I jumped up and stood at the kitchen sink calmly telling myself to breathe, breathe, breathe. So I got my breath back and started to clean up my mess.

Ben woke to go to the toilet and saw my mess and promptly told me I was gross and to clean myself up. After I cleaned the floor I noticed that I must have wallowed on the floor in my own vomit breifly during my asphixiation. I had to change my clothes, have a glass of water and then headed back to bed.

I woke up fine this morning - EXCEPT for badly bruised knees and elbows. They are so frigging sore and black. I can not figure out how i could bruise my knees and elbows if i landed on my stomach??? Another unsolved mystery I guess.

So, we are heading to Dubbo when Ben finishes work today and I will post again when I get back to work. Take care and I will see you next Thursday.

Love and bruises,

Thursday 12 July 2007

1 Sleep to Go

You heard it right.... 1 more sleep until we are out of here. We had a bit of a farewell last night at Julies house with Mary, Craig, Niamh, Lauren, Ryan, Duck, Christine, Dru, Swey, Juna, Julie, Ben, Me, Lewis and Riley - Leisa was working and Bob is away. Mary and Craig booked in a holiday to come stay with us in January - that should be fun. We got home pretty early and both the kids were up during the night so i got a pretty broken sleep. I have done f*ck all the last few days, so today and tomorrow i am going to be very busy. I would prefer not to do much tomorrow as we leave town about 5pm, so i will see how i go today.

Jen / Beck - did you get my text with my new address?
Brock / Shell - dont know if you still read my blog, but I will ring you with my address soon.

I have 1 more week off and go back to work next Thursday - hopefully the boys will all be settled in Perth before i head back to work, as i will only have 4.5 days there - 3 days that we will be in our house.

Riley has been such a cutie lately and talking heaps. You ask him a question and he says "No" but with a cute tone to it, and then you ask him why and he says (with his arms in the air) "I dont know" again, with a cute tone. He is such a clever little boy - he understands everything you ask of him, but he is very stubborn and has a little temper on him.

Lewis is pretty good - he is very excited about going on a plane and starting a new school. He has been very sooky lately (if he loses a toy or anything in general) and i just dont know why he cries / sooks all the time. Did i make him soft?

Ben is good - he is excited to go to Perth. He is more excited about not working and being able to stop and smell the roses for once in his life. I am happy that he is comfortable leaving.

Me - I am starting to stress a bit. Will I pack everything we need. Will our house be ok. Will i have enough time to settle before heading back to work. I know everything will be fine... i am just getting a bit nervous... as you do.

I will throw a quick post on before we head off tomorrow - and you wont hear from me again until i get back to work.

Here is Riley on Lewis's motor bike.

Here are the boys having a cuddle on the lounge.

Here is Riley in fine form.

Here are the boys in the car.

Love and new beginnings,

Wednesday 11 July 2007

2 More Sleeps

Hi Ya'll,

2 more sleeps now. We have found a house and super-excited. I am pretty flat out packing up the house with the 2 kids being perfect angels NOT. It is a bit hard, but Lewis has been playing across the road and I have just put Riley down for a sleep. Ben is working all the way through until we leave, so I am packing the house on my own.

Better get back to it then.

Love and boxes,

Monday 9 July 2007

4 More Sleeps

Hi Y'all,

4 more sleeps until we head off to WA. I finally talked Ben into flying instead of driving over. I think he was glad that I insisted...

Ben, Lewis, Riley and I will fly over to look for a house and then I will go back to work for a week or so. Then Ben is going to fly home, then drive our car back - Muha ha ha ha I got out of driving!!!!

Happy wedding day David & Bridgid. I am sorry I couldnt make it, but hope you guys had a wonderful night last night.

Have a good trip home to Brissy Jen (Jen drove 13 hours to Townsville with the 3 little kids in the car) FUCK THAT... LOL Good on ya Jen, drive safe Kitty.

Beck, i have been trying to call you at home, i will try again today.

Mum / Nan, have a good flight home to Broken Hill. Will probably give you a call some time today anyways.

So, I am slowly packing the house etc up, but Ben has said not to worry too much about it because he will do it in a couple of weeks when he comes home - yay... i love getting out of dirty jobs.

This break home has been great - weather=shit, kids=great, lazing around in my pj's=yeah!

Got no pictures for you - but i have the perfect 'this is us leaving Cobar' picture in my head - i will have to take the picture and post it when i get back to work. LOL.

Nothing much else to report. Getting excited about going now - havent seen anyone yet to say goodbye. Ben's family are keeping their distance - by that i mean i havent seen them and they know where i live and they know that we are leaving town in 4 days - we'll see how that goes. I dont know what i have done to be so alien to Ben's mum... maybe I am taking her little boy from her - well... HELLO... he is nearly 30 with his own family - grow up and get a life.

LOL - that is another Jerry Springer episode.

Love and 4 sleeps,

Sunday 1 July 2007

Pinch & a Punch

Happy 1st July.
My baby boy is 18 months old now - my, hasnt' time flown.
I just have to put my favourite picture back in here, dedicated to Riley.

So - HAPPY 1.5 TO MY GORGEOUS BABY BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Back to business...

Not much going on here at Nifty. Getting a bit cold, but beautiful days in general.
Moving in about 2ish weeks - can't frigging wait.
Lesley, Jayde, Kerry etc - I will come say goodbye before I go... Promise.
We shall prove that there is life 'after Cobar'... LOL.
I can't tell you how excited I am... imagine a kid on christmas eve, then double it and multiply by 8, then add the sqare root of 16 and multiply by the angle of a isosceles triangle and divide by the circumference of a 12cm diameter circle. Did you get the answer? Well, it is pretty goddam excited.

Better go do some work - for all you people lazying around on a Sunday with a hangover... remember me getting out of bed at 4:30am to start a day's work.

Have a good ly in y'all.

Love and lazy Sundays...NOT