Friday 28 September 2007

Happy Birthday Mum & Dad

I was going to go home this weekend for the McClure Family reunion, Mum's 50th, Dad's belated birthday & Ben had a wedding to go to at Louth (his brother) but we decided not to go - mainly due to work committments and being so goddam far away from everyone.

Ben was going to drive the kids back for the school holidays - but, again too far.

I hope eveyone has fun this weekend and doesnt get up to too much mischeif.

I will be going back to work on Monday and working a Monday-Friday roster for a while. I will get weekends at home, but lots of travel back and forward.

Love & family gatherings,

Sunday 16 September 2007

Some Photos

Hi y'all,
I have been on break and go back to work tomorrow. If you have tried to ring my mobile I have turned it off cause I left my charger at work last week.

Here are some pictures for you.
Lewis & Riley playing

Riley on the skateboard.

The boys being silly.

The boys skateboarding.

The lake near our house.

Riley in the car.

A seal at the aquarium.

Lewis, Riley, me and a huge sting-ray??

Lewis and some fish.

Lewis and a huge turtle.

Lewis with a shark behind him.

Riley & me.

Ben and a sting-ray tail.

Be & a shark.
Ben, Lewis and a turtle.

Ben & Riley.

Ben & a huge sting-ray.


Lewis & Riley in front of shark teeth.

Ben & Lewis.

Lewis on a bridge.
Have a good week.
Love and fishies,

Sunday 9 September 2007

Home Tomorrow

Hi Y'all. Having a good week?

My week has been interesting. I have been in my new position at work and have done the last couple of days on my own - so learning lots and generally keeping fairly busy.

I head home tomorrow afternoon to have a wonderful week off with my 3 gorgeous boys. We are going to have a week filled with Fun, Fun, Fun - well I hope so anyway.

Our camera permanently lives in the car now, so i will make sure i get photos of our fun-filled week ahead.

Have to head underground in a minute, so better make this note short and sweet.

Have a good week and be good to your Mother.


Hopfully I will post some family pics in the next few days. No.... I will take some pictures of underground now... bye

Monday 3 September 2007

I Love When Things Go Right

I just had my break and took some pictures of the kids.

Ben and I took the kids to "Fun Station" on Saturday. It ROCKS. Ben and I played on all the things with the kids. Ben got plastic burn to the hands (from the fast purple slide) need I say more. We had a ball.

Here is Lewis in the ball pit.

Riley in the Ball pit. I had to jump in and save him at one stage. He was completely submerged by balls and i couldnt see him. He loved it.

Here are the boys in a tunnel thingy. Lewis took Riley up there by himself. Note: Ben's mobile camera was zoomed as far as it could go - LOL they were so high up.

That is all the pictures I got unfortunately. Note to Self - take camera EVERYWHERE I go.

My break was lovely. Ben went out just about every night (to Poker) and I stayed home with the kids. During the days we hung out and didnt do much at all. I got my hair done and did a bit of shopping.

Father's Day (yesterday) was nice. We had a bit of a sleep in and Ben got some presents from the kids. Ben asked me if I was going to make him breakfast - then started sulking when I didnt. My reply was simply "you wont make me feel guilty, I have never got anything for Mother's Day, birthday's, christmas's etc". LOL.

Love and Stupid Fuckers,
Jes :)