Monday 15 March 2010

Let the study begin...

Uni officially started on the 1st March... I have received all my printed materials and online resources etc. I have read through a lot of the materials and will start on my first assignment today!

I cant believe my first assignment is an essay - I have not written a proper essay since year 12 (13 years). Wonder how easy it will be to remember?

The fist assignment is on social media - ha ha ha ha so I get to do an essay on Facebook, Twitter etc... LOL at least I am familiar with the subject material LOL.

Now to try and figure out how to juggle;
* 2 fairly demanding kids
* 1 hubby
* Every day stuff (washing, cooking, cleaning, bla bla bla)
* House renovations (nearly finished)
* 2 businesses (both pretty busy at the moment)
* Pregnancy (mainly tiredness lately)
* Uni (mostly reading/research at this point)

ANY suggestions will be greatly appreciated :)

Wish me luck - and have a great week!


Anonymous said...

An essay on facey... you'll ace

If anyone can juggle all that then its you, you can do anything!!! =)

Good Luck... I'm useless but if I can help with any of that let me know... So extremely home sick ATM Miss you guys!!! xxx

Jes said...

Thanks Congie x x x

Miss you too - when are you coming home next?

Anonymous said...

When you have that baby... Moving about a wk after easter and then I have a christening in Mudgee on the 16th then hopefully I will start work in condo on my bday, work for a few wks then I'll come over as soon as you have it :) but I wont be able to go to BH but I will be there asap... ;)