Wednesday 28 February 2007

Pet Hate

I just thought I would discuss a little BIG pet hate I have. I don't know where it came from, or why I have it - but it drives me crazy!
Toilet Rolls
I believe that toilet rolls should be hung in the toilet so the paper is coming over the top. Please see the illustrations below to demonstrate this;

I think that when the toilet roll is facing the other way (see pictures below) this is UNACEPTABLE.

BUT… what really gets my goat is when I use a toilet and change the roll to the proper way, the person who uses the toilet after me always changes it back! I have an example of this occurrence;

I was at Mum's for 3 weeks last year, and being preggo I visited the toilet frequently. Every time I went to the toilet I noticed the toilet roll was backwards, so I changed it - then to my horror someone kept changing it back! It was either Mum, Dad or Beck (who was visiting for a week). It also happened twice yesterday at my Mother in law's house.

So a few assumptions can be made from this;

1. Other people believe that I do it the wrong way - and it is their pet hate as well - hence, changing it back, like I do.
2. I am a control freak - and toilet paper rolls will give me a heart attack one day.
3. Who the hell cares eh?

So I think I have some pretty strong evidence to back up my case and to tell you all out there "Leave the toilet roll alone. The paper should be rolling over the top".

Next time you are viewing toilet rolls - take note of the pictures on them! This will not work if you have regular, white, plain toilet paper. You will be surprised by the observations that I have made. If the paper is rolling over the top of the roll - the pictures are visible and you can enjoy the pictures/writing or whatever is printed on it. OR if you have the toilet paper coming from the back underneath the roll the pictures are not visible. You cannot see the pictures - hence the darn thing is back-the-front.

In Summary
I think I have proved my case and would be willing to challenge anyone's opinion on the matter, and feel much better discussing it!

I know I am a freak - who is apparently getting her knickers in a knot over toilet rolls - but it is my pet hate!!!!!

So, have a good day - and think of me next time you are in the shitter LOLOLOLOLOL

Saturday 24 February 2007

1 More Week Off

I was informed the other day that I have 1 more week off, due to lack of rooms. I was looking forward to going back - mostly so I could get back in to my exercise, eating etc routines. I am having fun with the boys at home though. We are not doing much today - I am cleaning inside and Ben is setting up the slip and slide for the boys. It is way too hot here now, so they can have a play on it in a couple of hours.

Have a good weekend and don't work too hard now ya hear!

Saturday 17 February 2007

Amateur Hour

Lewis and I decided to take some photos tonight. He is such a good little skate-boarder, so I decided to take some pictures. I am on the turps - been drinking for a while and he took some pictures of me. I tell you… Lewis is my little man and we have so much fun together. Sheesh….. cant type for the love of me and I have only had 5 bourbons (Jim Beam to be exact).
Sad life = drinking Jim Beam cans on your own on a Saturday night!
Good life = spending time with son, taking photos of his sk8 boarding.
Here are some pics 4 ya…..

Lewis and his sk8 board... (above)
Lewis took this photo of me holding his sk8 board - such the photographer! (above)

This photo ROCKS!!!!! How cool is this? Mr Tony Hawke????? (above)

Another of me... it was pitch black and we only knew what photo we were taking... only as the flash went off....

He he he..... I LOVE the action photos...

Another of me with the sk8 board... (pissed.... what the???? )

And here is my bubba having T tonight

And finally - my reason for being.... my baby Benny! checking e-bay probably...

Wednesday 14 February 2007

Blogging From MS Word

Hey there,

I am having a bit of a practice with Microsoft Office 2007 that I just installed. I LOVE it! I have had the trial version for a couple of weeks, but there were heaps of features that I couldn't access. Ahyhoo…I just installed the new Word 2007 and when you go to File/New there is a New Blog Post option. So I am going to see how this works. I assume that I just type up my message in Word the press Publish!

Let's see eh? Wish me luck

Working @ Home

Well I am working, but doing it from home for the next 2 weeks. I tell ya, this is the life! It is easy to get tied up with the kids and the house, so I have been getting up every morning and going to work with Ben and doing my work from his office at the tyre shed and finishing about 4:30ish. It is definately not 12 hours, but still getting a bit done.
Lewis is really enjoying school. I have tried to get both into bed by about 7:30pm each night (I can just imagine Jen's evil laugh - "I told you so". No Jen, it is great having the night to ourselves and knowing the kids are asleep!
Happy Valentines Day!
Better get back to it then...

Wednesday 7 February 2007

Home Sweet Home

Got home about 4pm yesterday - long 2 days! Had a cool shower, changed my clothes that I had been wearing for 2 days, made myself a coffee and chatted with my boys. We had a pretty late night last night and I was a bit dodgy this morning - I was in the horrors a bit.

Lewis had his first day of school today - wasnt too phased...I was more excited than him. Ben, Riley and I dropped him off and Riley and I just chilled out at home all day. Riley had a big sleep this morning so I did my toenails, fingernails and tidied the house a bit.

Nothing much to do acctually - Ben had the house spotless and all the washing done, which was nice. I have to do some shopping this afternoon, cook dinner and then go to the gym tonight.

It was so great to wake up in my own bed this morning - heaven!

Monday 5 February 2007

A Moment

I just got off the phone with Ben, having a bourbon, listening to my ipod and watching a plane busily be unloaded/loaded. The catering trucks were going flat out re-filling the plane and the trolleys were in place to collect the luggage. I was watching all the baggage come down one conveyor and watching the guys loading it onto the trolleys. Meanwhile I was thinking about how much I like my life and lots of bourbon-ish ranting really (I am so lucky ra ra ra). A song came on my ipod - Colourblind (not sure of the singer) but a beautiful song with lots of piano etc - bit of a sad song. Then while I was mulling over my great life I watched a coffin roll down the conveyor and two guys gently placed it on the trolley. They then covered it with a torno, or blanket, not sure. Well that blew the wind clean out of my sails - pulled on the old heart-strings a bit. I am such a sook - I dont know really how to handle moments like these....

The last plane out of Sydney's almost gone.....

Catchy title, but I am still in Perth... so I f*cked that one up! I did a bit of shopping - went to the sports shop and got me some basketball shorts - the ones that can breath when i am at the gym in 47 degree temperatures and I got a singlet top as well. I went to Bras'n'things and got a set. I got one of those gel bra's - I have never worn one, so this will be interesting. I was standing at the counter with my modest size 12B and both the ladies looked me right in the chest and said "what size do you usually take" and I said *shurg* "12B...I think" and they both smiled, looked me in the chest again and said "you might want to try the C cup". So, I have always thought of myself as pretty flat chested and now I am thinking that I have 'quite the rack' LMAO. Shame, shame. Gorgeous set anyhow. What else did I buy? Oh yeah, did my usual spend up at 'Borders' the massive book shop. Got myself a little tarot kit with cards and instructions and got the boys 4 where's wally books (thanks for the idea kitty). I think that is about it. So, not much shopping and now I am sitting in the airport with 6 hours to go until my plane - eyes popping out of my head and so keen to get home. I am sitting in the qantas lounge using the computer and I think i will head out shortly and get a bourbon and watch the planes taking off *Cough* Nerd alert!! I love watching the planes... not much else to do anyway. I could go into the city on my own and go out and hit the town - back pack and all! LOL dont reckon that is on the cards. A mate of mine said that she would show me around tonight - but as predicted she made no contact today...thanks Mel. Janaya rang earlier and asked what i was doing and I just said that I would prefer to sit here and wait cause i am pretty buggered...thanks anyway Nay! Hmmm...anything else I can ramble about to pass away 6 hours???? Ok, so better go and get back to my window LOL. I just saw 2 fire fighting helicopters.... woooo excitement...
Take Care

Fly Out Day :)

I came to work this morning. I was going to have a sleep-in and catch the bus to the airport at 8:30am, but I had to put all my gear in a friends room, so we moved everything at about half past 4 this morning. I also have to burn some stuff to disk so i can take it and do some work at home - problem with that is I cant find the burning software on the computer. So I am on a mission this morning to find the biggest computer geek on site - shouldnt be too hard, I hope.

I cant wait to cuddle with my boys.
I cant wait to sleep in my own bed.
I cant wait to eat real food.
I cant wait to watch home and away.
I cant wait to have a cold shower.
I cant wait to eat Maccas.
I cant wait to sleep in past 4:30am.
I cant wait to not have gazzo every day.
I cant wait to sit out the back drinking coffee, smoking and catching up with Ben.
I cant wait to jump on Ben :)
I cant wait to walk around the house in my bra (if I want to)!
I cant wait to talk to Jen on the phone for longer than 5 minutes.
I cant wait to go home.

But, I will have to wait - another 24 hours I'm afraid! Did I tell you about the cold showers here? Well, picture this;
You've had a hard day, temperature has been over 40 most days and pretty humid. You are wearing jeans and on most days a work shirt. Wearing boots and thick socks everyday and being a smoker - you are out in the heat more than others. So, it is around 30 degrees at 5am in the morning - so no cool weather, even at night. So, what do you want to do after you have worked all day then gone to the gym for an hour - guessed it - have a cold shower! The only problem with that is there is no cold water. You shower only ever with the cold tap and the water is probably 45 degrees. I cant remember the last time i actually put the hot tap on. So my shower is get in - get out then stand naked in front of the air conditioner to cool off. LOL thats probably not a pretty site. So cold shower definately on my to-do list.

Ok, better go find a geek, get this stuff burnt to disk, eat my breakfast (container of scrammy eggs), tidy everything up then get a lift back to the village where i have to surrender my room key (arghhh). Hopefully when i return they will issue me a room closer to the gym. I will have to make friends with the ESS staff, as they organise all that :)

So...I am still here then.... LOLOLOLOLOL


Sunday 4 February 2007

This time tomorrow...

I will be having breakfast, waiting for my plane outta here! I will have a 2.5 - 3 hour flight into Perth for a 12 hour stop over. Still wont actually be home until Tuesday morning 9am when Ben will pick me up off the plane, then we will drive home. We are thinking about taking a holiday this break (cause I am on 3 weeks break now) so we are thinking Gold Coast - we will figure that out later. My only condition of this holiday is that Ben is not allowed to take his mobile phone - everyone deserves a 'holiday' and our last was nearly 3 years ago! So, if the universe falls apart because he has left his phone behind so be it!

I had a good sleep last night - after I had a cry to Ben on the phone. Long story, but Lewis wants to go and live with Nan. I cant figure out if it is because she has a pool or not? But Ben and I put it down to boredom. He will start school this week and should keep him busy for a while. Meanwhile - this situation does not make me feel any better! I am caught between a rock and a hard place right now. I am so career driven, but I feel that I have left my family behind (literally) and this feeling is so unsettling. Do you give up, go home and settle for Wysteria Lane? I honestly dont know. If we lived in Perth this situation would be a no-brainer and I could do a proper roster (9/5) - but we dont live in Perth and I can not see it happening in the near future. Argggg..... what is a girl to do?

Confused :/

Saturday 3 February 2007

Being away from home, you get to think a lot

I have been thinking a lot about the 'old me', you know...the person you miss being, wether it be the personality, looks, habits etc. and I would always shut myself down and tell myself that "that was years ago, you can never be that person again" and sadly would accept that.

The moral to this story is I have changed my mind - I am not going to accept anything. If I dont like my hair I will change it, if I dont like my clothes I will change that and if I want to look like I did when I was 20 - then I bloody will!

When I was 20 Ben and I were together but still in the stages of pretty seperated lives - but still together, you know. Anyway I used to change my fingernail colour every other day and always kept them manecured and polished, I used to shave/pluck everyday and do all the other girly things and I did care what I looked like regarding clothes. I miss that I used to take such good care of myself.

I understand that I have had two children - and that accounts for a bit of extra weight and a new shape - but becoming a mother should definately not impact every other aspect of my life. Sure, you dont have all the spare time I used to, but as a mother you are so much more organised than when you had the spur of the moment attitude.

So, back to the moral - I am going to give my will power a kick up the arse and I am going to achieve everything that I want to - I wont settle for anything less.

I am starting to notice my body changing - weirdly over the past 2 weeks of being out here. And I am on my way to my 20 year old body (with a few womanly modifications).

Jen and I were talking this morning and she agrees with me and we have decided to give ourselves a 'challenge' and compete with each other (as we have done our whole lives) because we can. So Jen - first one with a bikini body wins LOL. This is not about being the thinest - this is about having the motivation to get back what we have lost (hey Jen).

So Jen, email me your current bikini body and I will do the same when I get home. And the first one who is happy with the result is the winner (we will both be winners ;) i am sure)

Ok on! Eat healthy, be positive, excersise as much as you want, drink stacks of water, get plenty of sleep and lets turn this light on at the end of the tunnel. Starting.....................................NOW!

Happy Saturday!

2 sleeps until I leave the mine site - 3 sleeps til I am home to my boys.

I took some photos just now... tried to get the sunrise thang, but had a shocker.

I tried, but couldn't upload the stinking pictures. Grrr.

I finished work at 4pm yesterday and rang Ben as soon as I got back to the villiage. Our conversation;

"Hi babe, I am back in my room. Finished work early - might have a sleep".
"Cause I am tired"
"But you dont get paid when you dont work"
"It is only 2 hours - I have already worked 11 hours today!"
"Why would you be buggered, you dont do physical labour"

He he he you have a lot to learn grasshopper! Sitting in front of a computer for 13 hours a day is as tiring as physical labour! know?

So, I went to sleep at 4 and Sheraine (girl at work) rang me at 6pm to wake me up for dinner. I went down for tea and went back to my room. I spoke to Jen on the phone for a while then went back to sleep. Ben rang and woke me up and I talked to him for an hour, then was back asleep by 9pm.

I was a little tired this morning though. But came good after 3 smokes and 2 coffees - LOL am I one of the girls from AB FAB? Sweety, Sweety, Sweety?

So, on the home stretch...wooo hooo. I am flying into Perth on Monday - will get there about 12pm and I dont fly to Sydney until midnight. So 12 hours in Perth. Will probably catch up with Janaya and maybe go out for t with Mel (another girl from here). We will see. More than likely I will cruise around by myself, do some shopping and wind down.

I had a funny experience last time I flew out of Sydney... I might save that one for another day! LOL.

Will try these pictures again;

He he he, I was smoking when I took this! LOL

This is the mill - I love coming to work in the dark and seeing everything lit up!

This is a bit of a sunrise shot - this was taken right outside my office.

This photo is the moon LOL.
Have a good Saturday y'all.


Friday 2 February 2007

3 Sleeps to go...

Hi there,
Well 3 sleeps to go, then I get a month off! Well, I get to work my next swing from home. Long story, but they need my room due to 60-odd guys flying in next week and the camp is going to be pretty busted. Yay, so I dont come back now until the end of February!
I havent been on the internet (blog) much becasue we have been so busy. The deadline (for one of the jobs I am doing) was the 31st January so had to get everything ready. All of that went really well and I dropped my boss and two other co-workers to the airport yesterday afternoon and there is only me and another guy in the office until I fly out. He is a bit of a tool, so I pretty much avoid him and just work, work, work!
So now I am super-excited to go home to my boys and relax for a month. I will probably end up working down at his office, so I will go to work with him everyday (only for the 2 weeks that I am supposed to be working).
I dont really want to lug all my stuff home then back again, so my boss said I can put everything in his room while I am away.
Got a few things on sighning off from Nifty with a beautiful day of 29 degrees already - in store for another hot one no doubt.
Hang on... I was at the gym last night and I was listening to my ipod and came across a song that I never really particularly liked...but after listening to the words (well, I was on the rower so I couldnt change the song LOL) I really like it. It was Delta's Born to Try. And whilst rowing away listening I thought "well we werent born to fail, or born to not have a go" and I decided that this will be my new theme song. If I ever have a down day or just feeling plain useless, I know this song will put the *zing* back in me! Speaking of songs... Bob Sinclar's song (the first one in my songs list) just makes me wanna dance - I tend to play this song in the morning when I am still trying to pry my eyes open. He he he the 4am starts are a bit tiring after a couple of weeks.
Ok OK, going now!

Have a good day - and here is a few words from Delta ;)

Born to Try

Doing everything that I believe in
Going by the rules that I’ve been taught
More understanding of what’s around me
And protected from the walls of love
All that you see is me
And all I truly believe
That I was born to try
I’ve learned to love
Be understanding
And believe in life
But you’ve got to make choices
Be wrong or right
Sometimes you’ve got to sacrifice the things you like
But I was born to try
No point in talking what you should have been
And regretting the things that went on
Life’s full of mistakes, destinies and fate
Remove the clouds look at the bigger picture
And all that you see is me
And all I truly believe
That I was born to try
I’ve learned to love
Be understanding
And believe in life
But you’ve got to make choices
Be wrong or right
Sometimes you’ve got to sacrifice the things you like
But I was born to try