Friday 30 March 2007

3 Sleeps :)

Woo Hoo

3 sleeps until I finish work and 4 sleeps until I see my boys! I am soooo homesick and sooo looking forward to finishing this extra long swing! I have worked 17 days straight now... it has gone quickly... can't complain about that, but I am so buggered. I was going to have a flexi today, but didnt happen and I was going to have one tomorrow, but I am doing the inductin tomorrow. That should finish pretty early, so I might have an early mark.

I fly out on on Monday afternoon (after a 4:30am start) and wait around Perth until midnight. Arrive in Sydney at 6am and arrive in Dubbo at 9:30am. Ben and the boys will have the car packed up, ready for the long drive to the gold coast. Yes, I am finally getting a holiday!!!!!! We have never had a holiday, and Ben says that Lewis is Super Excited. We will arrive at the coast late on Tuesday and no doubt have a big sleep-in on Wednesday. We want to take the kids to Movie world, Sea world and maybe Dream world (depending on how motivated we are). We will head home on Saturday morning, have Easter Sunday at home (in my own bed...heaven) then I am off to Dubbo again Monday night to fly out to Perth on Tuesday morning. I will arrive back at work on Tuesday PM.

That is..... if I dont get rained in this weekend............please keep your fingers and toes crossed for me.

So, a busy week ahead, but I will be with my boys and on the Gold Coast.... so can't really complain. I will be stuffed by the time I get back to work, no doubt!


But, you know what? I LOVE IT :)

I am so excited to see the renovations that have 'apparently' happened since I have been gone. I will be very impressed I think. I will take some photos for you. And if you know me and my house you will understand my elation at getting jobs done!

What else?

Oh, I am swapping rooms with one of the Underground Shift Bosses. He has a 'gym-side' room and I have a 'pool-side' room - so we are swapping this weekend. Look out! I will be at the gym every morning, before work I reckon. It is so hard to motivate yourself to go to the gym after a 12-14 hour day.

I am such a whinger :) Nah, I go alright.

I brought a TV off my boss yesterday, so i've got me a flat screen tele and dvd player in my room now. I honestly haven't watched a full episode of home and away for 4-5 weeks! My boss announced last week that he has resigned. He does his last swing after Easter. I will still stay, as well as 2 trainers and guess who got the 3rd training job? Sally Jupp - I kid you not! She arrives on site the day after I do (11th April).

Gotta go, I think I have a lift back to the village (going to have an early mark after all).

Love and sleepy eyes,


Jen said...

Crap - it did it again... an essay long comment, then i lost the lot.

I was saying... I have my fingers crossed for you, and i hope that you have a GREAT holiday!
I know that you will.

I forgot what else i was going to write.
Oh, say hi to sal for me!

Hayley said...

Oh, Jes, you are going to be so farked after all that travel, but I bet you'll LOVE it!

Your first holiday ever? Enjoy every moment, you've earned it!