Friday 9 March 2007

The Birthday Girl

The birthday girl... Leisa & friend Chloe in the background. (below)

Riley having an iceblock. (below)

The kids (L-R Lewis, Swey, Lauren, Dru and Niamh). (below)

Sister-in-law - Mary. (below)

Other sister-in-law - Christina. (below)

So, no photos of me, cause I was taking the photos... LOL. The birthday party was ok, but Ben wouldn't let me go out. His Mum had a go at him for not letting me go out, but he told her to mind her own business and told me that he didn't want me going out. So 11:00pm and I am sitting in front of the computer semi-tanked writing on my blog, on a Friday night... how sad am I???

Ok, so here are some more photos...
The cake (below)

Father-in-law bob (below)

Brother-in-law duck (below)

Benny (below)

Leisa again (below)

Oh... we did have an interesting conversation... it stemmed from an episode of Friends. If you had a free pass for 5 celebrities who would you choose? This free pass comes with no consequence from your other half. My Mother-in-law was all George Clooney, and other old guys LOL and my Sister-in-law (Mary) was more old James Bond type actors. Leisa was into the younger actors, but here is my list;

1. The rock
2. Stiffler (one of the Duke boys) cant remember his real name.
3. Johnny Knoxville (Don't ask)
4. Vin Diesel
5. Ben Affleck

I put a lot of thought into that list and I think I must be attracted to humor, rugged good looks and muscles.... LMAO

Who would you choose? They guys all chose the likes of Angelina Jolie, Charlize, Scarlett, Selma... you know the typical hollywood types. Like I am any shallower......LOL.


Kimberley-Pin said...

A free pass to what? I would choose ----- Bette Middler, (love her sense of humour), Robin Williams (love his too), John Farnham (he could sing for me), and Edina and Patsy from Ab Fab. Yeah all oldies!!!!

Jayde & Diddles said...

Mine would definately be 5 x Vin Diesel's.... Love him... And plus he is hot.

Jes, I had a huge night on Friday, your probably lucky you didn't come out, got home about 4.30am.. & very drunk.

Jen said...

Hmmm, I would choose Brad Pitt (obvious one) Wentworth Miller, Robbie Williams, the others would be singers, can't think of their names!!

Yes, a free pass to what????

Jes said...

He he, use your imagination...

Hayley said...

The Rock is sooooo MINE, biartch! Hands off!

Hayley said...

Ahem... Ben wouldn't LET you go out? WTF, girl!