Saturday 17 March 2007

Happy St. Pat's Day


Three is Ireland's magic number. Hence the Shamrock. Crone, Mother and Virgin. Love, Valour and Wit.. Faith, Hope and Charity. Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Numbers played an important role in Celtic symbolism. Three was the most sacred and magical number. It multiplies to nine, which is sacred to Brigit. Three may have signified totality: past, present and future OR behind, before and here OR sky, earth and underworld. Everything good in Ireland comes in threes. The rhythm of story telling in the Irish tradition is based on threefold repetition. This achieves both intensification and exaggeration. Even today in quality pub talk, a raconteur can rarely resist a third adjective, especially if it means stretching a point. "Three accomplishments well regarded in Ireland: a clever verse, music on the harp, the art of shaving faces."


The Leprechaun is an Irish fairy. He looks like a small, old man (about 2 feet tall), often dressed like a shoemaker, with a cocked hat and a leather apron. According to legend, leprechauns are aloof and unfriendly, live alone, and pass the time making shoes. They also possess a hidden pot of
gold. Treasure hunters can often track down a leprechaun by the sound of his shoemaker's hammer. If caught, he can be forced (with the threat of bodily violence) to reveal the whereabouts of his treasure, but the captor must keep their eyes on him every second. If the captor's eyes leave the leprechaun (and he often tricks them into looking away), he vanishes and all hopes of finding the treasure are lost.


Jen said...

Interesting stuff...
Happy St Pat's to you too!

I really love the 'walking in the rain' thing - it's nice...

How's the weather there? Not too scary?

Jes said...

BEAUTIFUL weather. Rained lots yesterday, nice and sunny today.

Kimberley-Pin said...

Sounds like our weather here, lovely and warm and sunny until about 4, then it rains.

Hey Jes, explain the hand thing, I am sure it's deep and meaningful, but I'm not sure what it means...

You sound lonely like me, I am still not integrated with the locals, can't remember it taking this long in Wyndham.

Suzi said...

Holy McGoly Jes,
I have just caught up with a few of your posts and like Jenny, I am glad I didn't get a phone call from Newman (or Seinfield for that matter) LOL. cause we would have been very worried for you.
Thanks for the Irish insight. I will think of that every St Pats and wonder how I knew all this stuff.
Have a good day

Jes said...

Pin, there is a movie called Master of Disguise and when someone talks too much you move your hand and say "this is what you are doing" then you close your hand and say "and this is what i want you to do". It is a running joke at work at the moment. Whenever someone is talking, we just make the hand movement and everyone gets it. Funny!

Jen said...

Or the one I love is, you're doing too many of these ones (moving hand) and not enough of these ones (closed hand)