Monday 12 March 2007

In Perth

Hi Y'all,
I left Cobar at 8:30pm last night and left a very sad Ben behind :(
I had a pretty quick trip to Dubbo, but there was so much traffic on the road and I hit a bloody kangaroo... it was huge and 2 of them jumped out behind a bush on the passeger side and I cleaned one of them up. It hit the passenger front and rear doors and was pretty loud. That was about 5kms from Nyngan. I pulled up and had a look at the damage (while repeatedly saying f*ck) but amazingly it didn't do any damage. There was a little bit of fur stuck to the side of the door, but that was it! Phew...
So I got to Dubbo at 11:30pm and went straight to a motel. I didnt barely sleep and was up and out the door by 5:30am to catch my plane.
I saw Anne and Adrian Winchester at the airport with baby Jessica (what a lovely name) LOL. She is so gorgeous and little (cluck, cluck, cluck). So chatted with Anne until my plane left. My plane was late landing in Sydney, so I was pretty pushed to get on the Perth flight. I made it and the flight was so long and boring. You know when you fall asleep and expect to wake up to a landing plane?.... well I fell asleep and woke up like 20 minutes later, with 2 hours still to go. Arghh. I watched Borat for the 3rd time and read the in-flight shopping catelouge 2 or 3 times.
So, landed in Perth at 11:30am and caught a taxi into the City. I ended up getting a hotel room in the city but I am sooooo bored. Did some shopping, mainly because I didn't bring much with me and I may be in Perth until Thursday.
So, better go and get back to my busy life, lying in bed watching t.v LOL.

Love 'n' cyclones,


Jen said...

Oh, I'm sure you'll be bored... LOL
If I were you, I would be sleeping till it's time to go!!!
I would KILL for some sleep right now... Maybe not kill, but you get the idea.
Bugger about the kanga! You would've been crapping yourself huh? Bye Kitty-cat.
Love you

Hayley said...

So did you get in or are you still in Perth? Must be a bugger not knowing... but at least you're not in some small mining village when the cyclones hit... NOT my idea of a good time, i'll give you the drum!