Thursday 8 March 2007

My Trip to Broken Hill

Oh, forgot to tell you about my big trip to Broken Hill.

We left on Sunday morning - had to stop every half hour or more because Riley would throw his Dummy out of reach and Lewis didnt want to play the game. So I had to stop, get the dummy back in his mouth and keep going. The only reason I had to keep doing that is because he was sooking, tired and being just plain grumpy. I am glad I took the Wiggles DVD with me because that is that only DVD that Riley loves and kept him quiet anyway.

I am spewing that I didnt take my camera because I had a few photo moments.

Firstly we dropped into Netallie. Went the Wilcannia-side gate and the road was so corregated, I thought my car was going to fall apart. Just as we pulled up at the gate Sally came running out to greet us and gave me a big cuddle. I havent seen Sal since I was preggo (1 week to go) with Riley and she had only just found out that she was preg with Jamie. So Sal checked out my boys and then I was greeted by Annie. How gorgeous is she. Her tummy is so big and she looks just beautiful pregnant. Annie will be a fantastic Mum - you should have seen her fussing over Jamie and she just looked like she knew what she was doing.

So we left Netallie and headed for the big smoke.

As soon as we arrived we went to McDonalds (I needed my fix) and went through the car wash and fuelled up. We got up to Mum & Dad's, stayed there for a while, then went to the Mulga for dinner. Mum was telling me that she won $900 on a poker machine (what the?) so I went to the bar and had a smoke and threw a twenty in the same machine. By the time i butted out my smoke i had won $200! LOL addicted much? LOLOLOLOL

Riley went to sleep ok at Mum's - I was wondering what kind of circus i would be up for trying to get him to bed - but it was good, thank god.

Mum took us out to the zinc lakes for a look at the ducks. There was no ducks, only little remote controlled boats in the water and about 20 kids (probably about 12/14 years old) having a punch up. Nice thing for my 5 year old to watch. I was about 5 seconds away from getting out of the car and....... no - i am chicken shit LOL.

I saw Rebel at the supermarket for about 5 seconds.

Next morning Riley stayed with Mum and Lewis and I hit the shops. We didnt get much. Just got some clothes for the babes. We got back to Dad's workshop, picked Riley up then went home to Mum's house for a sleep. Anyhow, to cut a long story short - Ben rang a few times asking me when we were coming home and so I packed up the car and we headed off. We got home at about 8pm and surprised Ben - he didnt know we were coming home.

I REALLY need to go and do some work.... REALLY! I have side-tracked myself about 3 times this morning LOL.


Hayley said...

Hopefully next time you come to visit we can catch up?

I understand you not wanting to stop in sunny Wildcannia...

Jes said...

Hayley, I tried to find your house, but forgot where you live. I turned right after the bridge and headed up towards the hospital. I thought your house was on the right (the only one on your block) but couldnt find it for the life of me. My mobile didnt work either, so couldnt ring you. I will definately drop in next time - but that will probably be in the new house in the hill. I am so excited for you... It is very exciting buying your new home.