Monday 30 April 2007

At Home

Hiya, back at home (until tomorrow afternoon). I will have to say that this hasn't been my best break - lots of tantrums, lots of tears (me, not the kids LOL) so looking forward to going back to work, then coming home and trying again - if you know what i mean.

All is FINE now, thanks for asking! Everything else is in the vault - so don't ask ;)

Here is a picture of Riley trying to headbutt me (i have received many headbutts since i have been home).

He just loves climbing anything and jumps up and down on you as hard as he can - ouch!

Lewis - as usaul, on his skateboard - taken last break.

My little rat-bag (yes Mum, i know he needs a haircut LOL)

The boys having a snack.

Did I tell you I have 3 kids???

Me and my boys!

My Lewis - so grown up now.

Riley still hurting me - skews the mess :)

Ok - there you go Jen... some updated photos for you. I have some of the house renno's, but i will post pictures of that once the renno's are finished.

Love and nothing much,


Jen said...

Yay! Great photos..

I can't believe how much both boys have grown. They are just gorgeous!

Hope everything is well. Did you get back to work ok?

Lots of love!!

Jes said...

Hey Kitty,
Yes back at work. I only got in this morning - long story... Oh! you have time? Well, i drove to Dubbo on Tuesay night, stayed in a motel to fly out at 6:30am Wednesday morning. Sounds pretty straight forward doesnt it? Well, I slept in and missed my flight. With that, i missed my Sydney-Dubbo flight as well - and in turn, missed my Perth-Nifty flight also. So, I landed in Perth about 3:30pm - instead of my usual 11:30am and stayed the night in another motel. I flew out at 5:30am this morning and I am finally at work. Expensive little fuck up anyway :)
Did you get all that? Love you, talk soon,

Suzi said...

I just did a big comment and went to change dads id back to mine and lots the whole freakin lot.
In must've needed the sleep....lots pic of Lewis on the board and Riley looks like a beatnik ( from the sixties groups)

Jen said...

Haha mum! We've all done that. It really sucks hey!!

Jes - that's a hoot...
Sorry, but i know that you'll look back and laugh. haha

Jes said...

Jen, I am laughing about it now!

But, anyone who knows me well will understand that my natural hair colour does not reflect my personality (should have been a blonde).

Had a long day, so talk tomorrow :)


Jen said...

Blonde? You too hey!
Most days i feel blonde.

Suzi said...

me too

The Candid Bandit said...

Jes I love the pictures of the boys!

Lewis especially has changed so much. Almost looks like Amie's 'Jes'.

So sorry things havent been feeling very 'up' for you lately. Know the feeling and empathise.

Sending you a long distance squeeze.



Jen said...

Hi Jes,
You've been pretty quiet, is everything ok?
How's work this swing?
I've been trying to call your mobile, but it's been going to your message bank - and what's with your message?? LOL, get's me everytime!

(it's a message of Jessie answering the phone, "hello..... hello?")

Hayley said...

Love the photos, Jes.

LOL @ headbutts! You've gotta love Dad's influence don't you?

Listen to you, you big jetsetter, you!!

Jes said...

Hayley, yes Dad's influence is just fantastic! LOL. But I would rather 2 little rough boys than 2 little precious ones.

Jen said...

No posts for May!
I guess everything is pretty boring out there? Either that or you're super busy...
(my guess is busy)

Well I hope you're doing ok.
