Tuesday 12 June 2007

Hair Hair Hair Hair (the musical)

Ok, so here are some photos of my new hair. This one was taken by the hair dresser, with my phone just as they finished it. From the back you can see how long it is. If you look closely, you can see my real hair over the top and it is about 5 inches shorter than the extensions. The colour is a bit darker than my hair, but i got it dyed so it matched. I love it by the way - cant get over how real it looks.

Bloody hurts though (pain is beauty, beauty is pain) LOL. The pain went away the first time i washed it - all the clips loosened up and now it is very comfortable.

I took this with my phone when i got back from the hair dressers.

Same - just to show you how long it is. Love it, love it, love it. Did i tell you i love it?

Thats all folks!

Love and 'perdy hair',


Hayley said...

Do you feel like Paris? Instant Hair and all?

Bet it took AGES! I haven't even BEEN to a hairdresser since Lil was born - sad, hey?

Looks Perdy!

Jen said...

I love it too~
I don't think I love it enough to run out and make an appointment, but i'm glad that you love your new hair!!

Glad to be home? I'll call you in the morrow...

Anonymous said...

Miss Jes, Your hair looks great, have it up or let it all out it all looks great but all that doesn't matter if your not flashing those purley whites-Smile on and keep smiling

Kimberley-Pin said...

Fabulous look !!!
Do they do it for OLD PEOPLE??
How much does that cost ?

heidielizabeth said...

hey jess.

love your hair! i used to have awesome hair but my relationship with my first true true love ended in january and the stress of that and other things in the past 6 months has seen me get very very thin hair. sad but true. im now on a lovely coktail of things to grow my mane thick and healthy again.\

now to fix the mind.... hmm...

anyways im writing cos i bloody well miss you!!! i havent see jenny in ages either cos ive been sio busy at uni i almost had to sleep here one night.

but all is well with uni (in fact its the one fact of my life still intact)

misssssing u

luv luv xx

The Candid Bandit said...

I wrote a comment.

It's disappeared. Boo.

I love it it too.

Jes said...

Hayley, it took the hairdressers an hour and a bit - i had the whole team working on me LOL. Feel like Paris? LOL no, not in jail yet.

Pin, anyone can get them - i dont think they are for young people only - but you are still a spring chicken arent you? They had to dye my hair the same colour, put the extensions in (i got 120 because my hair is so god-damned thin) and then they cut it. It cost me $1400 all up (yikes.... ) But if i look after them, they are forever.

Heidi, WOW, how the fu!k are you sweety? I havent seen you since Pop's funeral? Is that right? Sorry to hear about your hair troubles - hope your mind is still good. We will definately have to catch up soon.

Beck - sorry bout your comment disapearing... maybe next time eh?

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.