Monday 18 June 2007

Hi There

Hey ho,
Not much going on here at Nifty. We had a comedian show last night. 4 comedians tour around going to mine sites etc. They were so funny. I had a few drinks and was home in bed by around 10pm. Tired today. Today ABC are coming out to the mine to film a documentary. I think it is about people working on mine sites - not sure, will find out soon.
Thats it.
Love and funnies,


The Candid Bandit said...

I got lotsa love for JT.

and you.

The Candid Bandit said...

Woops, wrong comment on wrong post.

That's bloody great that they travelled to the minesite for a show.

ABC? Better get your extensions washed! Bit of lippie on.

Jen said...

How'd the ABC filming go? Did you get a look-in or what?
I think that's great that you get a comedy show out there! Take your minds off working 14 days straight huh!

How are you? Haven't spoken to you in a while!