Monday 9 July 2007

4 More Sleeps

Hi Y'all,

4 more sleeps until we head off to WA. I finally talked Ben into flying instead of driving over. I think he was glad that I insisted...

Ben, Lewis, Riley and I will fly over to look for a house and then I will go back to work for a week or so. Then Ben is going to fly home, then drive our car back - Muha ha ha ha I got out of driving!!!!

Happy wedding day David & Bridgid. I am sorry I couldnt make it, but hope you guys had a wonderful night last night.

Have a good trip home to Brissy Jen (Jen drove 13 hours to Townsville with the 3 little kids in the car) FUCK THAT... LOL Good on ya Jen, drive safe Kitty.

Beck, i have been trying to call you at home, i will try again today.

Mum / Nan, have a good flight home to Broken Hill. Will probably give you a call some time today anyways.

So, I am slowly packing the house etc up, but Ben has said not to worry too much about it because he will do it in a couple of weeks when he comes home - yay... i love getting out of dirty jobs.

This break home has been great - weather=shit, kids=great, lazing around in my pj's=yeah!

Got no pictures for you - but i have the perfect 'this is us leaving Cobar' picture in my head - i will have to take the picture and post it when i get back to work. LOL.

Nothing much else to report. Getting excited about going now - havent seen anyone yet to say goodbye. Ben's family are keeping their distance - by that i mean i havent seen them and they know where i live and they know that we are leaving town in 4 days - we'll see how that goes. I dont know what i have done to be so alien to Ben's mum... maybe I am taking her little boy from her - well... HELLO... he is nearly 30 with his own family - grow up and get a life.

LOL - that is another Jerry Springer episode.

Love and 4 sleeps,


The Candid Bandit said...

Hi Jes, Sorry I've missed your calls. Ive been having a few mobile free days and today my dialup was connected all day to do stuff for Jens business.

Im glad to hear things are moving along well at this point. Thoguh I cant believe you didnt want to experience the nullabor!! Just once!

Take it easy eh?

Jen said...

I got home ok, we left at 4:30 yesterday arvo, stopped for dinner - fed kids etc, they went to sleep & we battled on, and arrived at 6:30 thismorning!!!! BIG trip. I have to update Bells with some piccies. We had a GREAT weekend.

Good luck with the move - are the boys excited??