Friday 20 July 2007

In WA now

We made the move to WA on Saturday, pretty much without a hitch. I have some photos to go with my commentary.

This first one was taken before we left - Riley jammed a whole piece of bread in his mouth. Thats-a-my-boy!

Next are when we left Cobar at about 5pm on Friday afternoon.

Lewis with a big stick of bubble gum. He fell asleep about 2 minutes into the trip.

Here is Ben waving goodbye.

Here is me waving goodbye. (I wanted to stick my finger up and give Cobar a big birdie, but Ben wouldnt let me).

This one is Riley looking out the window at the clouds.
Same again.

Lewis made a friend on the plane from Dubbo to Sydney. He chatted to Lewis the whole way. I think Lew was a bit peeved he didnt get to look through the window.

Here is a picture of our house.

We went down to Rockingham beach for a look and saw this ship.

Here is the beach again.
Lewis - he was pretty happy to be at the beach.

Lewis posing up for me. Shame you cant see him very well, but you get the picture.

Riley's first look at the Beach. Started running down the hill for a look.

Lewis having a splash.

Ben and Riley on the sand and Lewis having a swim last Sunday.
Lewis giving Riley a horsey ride in the unit we stayed in at Mandarah on Sunday night.

Our back yard.

Ben letting Riley in the back door.

Thats all i had on my phone - well worthy of blogging anyhow. I will take some more pictures with the camera when i get home.
Have a good weekend.
Love & sandy beaches,


The Candid Bandit said...

Jes, I loved the pictures. My favouite as th close up of Lewis when he was happy to be at the beach!

Gorgeous house and great (private) backyard!

Anonymous said...

The house looks beautiful!

Jen said...

Woweeeeee.... I LOVE photos!!

I can't believe how growed up the boys look. Can't wait to see more pictures!!!


Suzi said...

Loved all the pics. House looks really great.
What are the boys up while you're away? Is Lewis looking forward to his new school?
Ben must be having just so much fun, vegin' out with the boys

Kirkies said...

You all look so happy...meant to be, huh!
You house looks beautiful, and the beach! WOW.
Good luck with starting a new school Lewis!
Love and new homes

Hayley said...

What a gorgeous house and how close is that beach?

I had heard you were making the move, but didn't know it was happening (had happened) so soon, yowsers, your head must be spinning!

Must be lovely to have the boys so close, hey?

Jes said...

Hi everyone,
Beck - Lewis is so happy, Ben said he is a completely different boy. We had a few dramas in Cobar - he was so angry all the time and got upset easily and Ben said that he has been perfect!

Mum - Ben is pretty bored actually. It has been raining pretty much the whole time i have been at work. He is having fun with the boys though. He starts school today and Ben said he is super excited. His new teacher told him yesterday that there is another Lewis in his class - he was pretty chuffed about that.

Amie - thanks. We are pretty happy. I will get Ben to take a picture of Lewis starting school today.

Hayley - The house is brand new, never been lived in and is probably a 2 minute drive to Waikiki beach and about 5 minute drive to Rockingham beach. I will get to see more when I go home (tomorrow morning).

Take care y'all,

Anonymous said...

Hi Jes
Talk about Mcbloggers on the move!! SOunds like everything is going as well as it could be and everythign is falling into place. House looks great so does the beach and the t-shirts can't wait till it warms up here. Take Care.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jes , proud of ya, its such a big move but worth it!
I ran in to Lynne Goss today and she said to say hello to you, and Toby says Hello to Lewis and he is looking forward to a sleep-over someday.
Hopefully we can have a sleep-ove someday too!!
Have fun in the west !
Love Brock, Shell & Evie xx

Katie Jane Donno said...

Hi Jess,
Just wondering if you could give me the heads up on the hair extensions you got. I dont know anyone who has them so maybe you could tell me what you think of them so far.
Love Katie