Friday 13 July 2007

Man Down / Man Down - Clean Up on Isle 3

Good morning,

I was telling Jen a story on the phone just now, and she insisted i 'blog' it. This story is not for the faint hearted... so i shall rate it G for gross. Here goes;

Chloe and I had a few drinks last night while Ben was out playing poker. We drank until after 12 - so had a few. I didnt feel that drunk, but when I went to bed something woke me. It may have been my concious telling me that I may need to go drive the big white bus, ride the porcelain pony, you get the picture. So I jumped out of bed and headed down the halway. I remember feeling the urge to throw up and figured that I wouldnt make the toilet, so I headed for the kitchen. If anyone has ever been in my house, they will know that the toilet is actually closer to my room than the kitchen - so we will leave that as an unsolved mystery.

So... I did throw up - in my hand (I told you this was gross) but i was running down the hall at this stage. So picture this - running, vomit in hand, girl slips on own vomit and hits the deck. I layed there on the floor, on my belly, looking at my vomit on the floor and then realised that i couldnt breathe. All I wanted to do was yell out "big girl down", but coulndt cause I couldnt breathe. I had winded myself. I jumped up and stood at the kitchen sink calmly telling myself to breathe, breathe, breathe. So I got my breath back and started to clean up my mess.

Ben woke to go to the toilet and saw my mess and promptly told me I was gross and to clean myself up. After I cleaned the floor I noticed that I must have wallowed on the floor in my own vomit breifly during my asphixiation. I had to change my clothes, have a glass of water and then headed back to bed.

I woke up fine this morning - EXCEPT for badly bruised knees and elbows. They are so frigging sore and black. I can not figure out how i could bruise my knees and elbows if i landed on my stomach??? Another unsolved mystery I guess.

So, we are heading to Dubbo when Ben finishes work today and I will post again when I get back to work. Take care and I will see you next Thursday.

Love and bruises,


Jen said...



You're a tart....

Kimberley-Pin said...

Oh Jes, how I felt for you when I read that. Haven't done it myself (thank god) for years, but the memories never fade..... I've seen a few bowls of mixed veg go down the kitchen sink too...

Kirkies said...

Love your story, and your honesty! I can remember seeing spew run between my fingers quite a few times, including once on a bus, on the way home from a pub crawl, but that is a whole other story!
We need nights out like this occasionally, for no other reason then to remind us not to drink so much next time, and give our kidneys a chance to recover.
Good luck with the move, must visit Perth one day!
Love and chunky carrots

Jayde & Diddles said...


Hayley said...

Memories.... in the corners of my mind....etc etc....

It's been sooo long since i've had a great night like that!

Funny that you'll always remember the night for the spew story, not for what else happened, hey?