Monday 3 September 2007

I Love When Things Go Right

I just had my break and took some pictures of the kids.

Ben and I took the kids to "Fun Station" on Saturday. It ROCKS. Ben and I played on all the things with the kids. Ben got plastic burn to the hands (from the fast purple slide) need I say more. We had a ball.

Here is Lewis in the ball pit.

Riley in the Ball pit. I had to jump in and save him at one stage. He was completely submerged by balls and i couldnt see him. He loved it.

Here are the boys in a tunnel thingy. Lewis took Riley up there by himself. Note: Ben's mobile camera was zoomed as far as it could go - LOL they were so high up.

That is all the pictures I got unfortunately. Note to Self - take camera EVERYWHERE I go.

My break was lovely. Ben went out just about every night (to Poker) and I stayed home with the kids. During the days we hung out and didnt do much at all. I got my hair done and did a bit of shopping.

Father's Day (yesterday) was nice. We had a bit of a sleep in and Ben got some presents from the kids. Ben asked me if I was going to make him breakfast - then started sulking when I didnt. My reply was simply "you wont make me feel guilty, I have never got anything for Mother's Day, birthday's, christmas's etc". LOL.

Love and Stupid Fuckers,
Jes :)


Suzi said...

Jes, it sounds like you need to get him drunk!
Then get him to open up about his life at work and at home. LOL and then you've got lots of shit to hold over him when he acts like a bossy bully.

Jes said...

- - - - - UPDATE - - - -

I have sat down with him and the manager and we have sorted it all out. I am a happy camper now - but he is still a prick!

Bottom line is I get my 2 weeks off!

Jen said...

Love the pics! haven't you heard all those horrible stories about ball pits???

He sounds like a tosser. You find one of those in almost every workplace, they end up screwing themselves over, so if you can be patient enough, things will sort themselves out!!

Love you!

Jes said...

Jen, those yucky ball pits are the public ones that anyone has access to. This one is a pay to get in jobby inside and you couldnt get in without kids (like throwing a cat among the pigeons) i couldnt see someone shooting up in a public place that they had to pay to get into. I know what you are saying though - i have heard all the stories and i wouldnt let the kids in there if i didnt think it was safe. Thank you for your concern jen :)

I know what you mean about people like darryl screwing themselves, but it has been 10 months already, and he seems to get respect from his manager - dont ask me how??? Maybe he bullshits his way through... hopefully he gets a better offer soon and pisses off to somewhere else.

Jen said...

Well that's a better plan!
Hoping he pisses off somewhere else.
Talk him up heaps & tell him that he's worth more than what your mob are paying... he might start looking elsewhere!!
I reckon that would be easier, hey?

God i've missed your blog!

The Candid Bandit said...

I know! Subtley drop some marbles around his desk. He can't do much in traction.


Jes, now that we have all read his name, I would remove it and replace it with a psuedonym. You could create more probs for yourself than needed.

Great to see the boys. We go to a play centre on tuesdays and thursdays and we love it.