Saturday 3 February 2007

Happy Saturday!

2 sleeps until I leave the mine site - 3 sleeps til I am home to my boys.

I took some photos just now... tried to get the sunrise thang, but had a shocker.

I tried, but couldn't upload the stinking pictures. Grrr.

I finished work at 4pm yesterday and rang Ben as soon as I got back to the villiage. Our conversation;

"Hi babe, I am back in my room. Finished work early - might have a sleep".
"Cause I am tired"
"But you dont get paid when you dont work"
"It is only 2 hours - I have already worked 11 hours today!"
"Why would you be buggered, you dont do physical labour"

He he he you have a lot to learn grasshopper! Sitting in front of a computer for 13 hours a day is as tiring as physical labour! know?

So, I went to sleep at 4 and Sheraine (girl at work) rang me at 6pm to wake me up for dinner. I went down for tea and went back to my room. I spoke to Jen on the phone for a while then went back to sleep. Ben rang and woke me up and I talked to him for an hour, then was back asleep by 9pm.

I was a little tired this morning though. But came good after 3 smokes and 2 coffees - LOL am I one of the girls from AB FAB? Sweety, Sweety, Sweety?

So, on the home stretch...wooo hooo. I am flying into Perth on Monday - will get there about 12pm and I dont fly to Sydney until midnight. So 12 hours in Perth. Will probably catch up with Janaya and maybe go out for t with Mel (another girl from here). We will see. More than likely I will cruise around by myself, do some shopping and wind down.

I had a funny experience last time I flew out of Sydney... I might save that one for another day! LOL.

Will try these pictures again;

He he he, I was smoking when I took this! LOL

This is the mill - I love coming to work in the dark and seeing everything lit up!

This is a bit of a sunrise shot - this was taken right outside my office.

This photo is the moon LOL.
Have a good Saturday y'all.



Jen said...

Yay for you!!!
We're counting down the same days... you going home & Scott arriving here.
Love the 'smoky' shot, hehe.
Have a good day & no doubt i'll be speaking with you soon.
(i've c & p this just incase!!)

Love straight back

The Candid Bandit said...

Man oh Man!!

My blog feed didnt tell me that you had updated!

I love these shots. Getting to see where you work is great Jes.

Money and work ain't everything Ben. I bet you're rooted after each day. Glad to see you got an early mark.

Now, Im off to read the rest of these posts!