Wednesday 7 February 2007

Home Sweet Home

Got home about 4pm yesterday - long 2 days! Had a cool shower, changed my clothes that I had been wearing for 2 days, made myself a coffee and chatted with my boys. We had a pretty late night last night and I was a bit dodgy this morning - I was in the horrors a bit.

Lewis had his first day of school today - wasnt too phased...I was more excited than him. Ben, Riley and I dropped him off and Riley and I just chilled out at home all day. Riley had a big sleep this morning so I did my toenails, fingernails and tidied the house a bit.

Nothing much to do acctually - Ben had the house spotless and all the washing done, which was nice. I have to do some shopping this afternoon, cook dinner and then go to the gym tonight.

It was so great to wake up in my own bed this morning - heaven!


Jen said...

Welcome home!!

Hayley said...

Noice photos!

RE: yr last post, it's funny how those 'moments' make you think, isn't it?

Hayley said...

Noice photos!

RE: yr last post, it's funny how those 'moments' make you think, isn't it?

Jen said...


Is everything going good at home?

Let me know when you're free and i'll call you

The Candid Bandit said...

Riley looks so growd up and look at Lew's long legs.

They change so much in the blink of an eye.

Good on Ben for having the house clean for you.