Monday 5 February 2007

A Moment

I just got off the phone with Ben, having a bourbon, listening to my ipod and watching a plane busily be unloaded/loaded. The catering trucks were going flat out re-filling the plane and the trolleys were in place to collect the luggage. I was watching all the baggage come down one conveyor and watching the guys loading it onto the trolleys. Meanwhile I was thinking about how much I like my life and lots of bourbon-ish ranting really (I am so lucky ra ra ra). A song came on my ipod - Colourblind (not sure of the singer) but a beautiful song with lots of piano etc - bit of a sad song. Then while I was mulling over my great life I watched a coffin roll down the conveyor and two guys gently placed it on the trolley. They then covered it with a torno, or blanket, not sure. Well that blew the wind clean out of my sails - pulled on the old heart-strings a bit. I am such a sook - I dont know really how to handle moments like these....

1 comment:

The Candid Bandit said...

Oh man.

That woulda blew wind outta my sails too.

Hope the homecoming went great!