Wednesday 28 February 2007

Pet Hate

I just thought I would discuss a little BIG pet hate I have. I don't know where it came from, or why I have it - but it drives me crazy!
Toilet Rolls
I believe that toilet rolls should be hung in the toilet so the paper is coming over the top. Please see the illustrations below to demonstrate this;

I think that when the toilet roll is facing the other way (see pictures below) this is UNACEPTABLE.

BUT… what really gets my goat is when I use a toilet and change the roll to the proper way, the person who uses the toilet after me always changes it back! I have an example of this occurrence;

I was at Mum's for 3 weeks last year, and being preggo I visited the toilet frequently. Every time I went to the toilet I noticed the toilet roll was backwards, so I changed it - then to my horror someone kept changing it back! It was either Mum, Dad or Beck (who was visiting for a week). It also happened twice yesterday at my Mother in law's house.

So a few assumptions can be made from this;

1. Other people believe that I do it the wrong way - and it is their pet hate as well - hence, changing it back, like I do.
2. I am a control freak - and toilet paper rolls will give me a heart attack one day.
3. Who the hell cares eh?

So I think I have some pretty strong evidence to back up my case and to tell you all out there "Leave the toilet roll alone. The paper should be rolling over the top".

Next time you are viewing toilet rolls - take note of the pictures on them! This will not work if you have regular, white, plain toilet paper. You will be surprised by the observations that I have made. If the paper is rolling over the top of the roll - the pictures are visible and you can enjoy the pictures/writing or whatever is printed on it. OR if you have the toilet paper coming from the back underneath the roll the pictures are not visible. You cannot see the pictures - hence the darn thing is back-the-front.

In Summary
I think I have proved my case and would be willing to challenge anyone's opinion on the matter, and feel much better discussing it!

I know I am a freak - who is apparently getting her knickers in a knot over toilet rolls - but it is my pet hate!!!!!

So, have a good day - and think of me next time you are in the shitter LOLOLOLOLOL


Kimberley-Pin said...

OK Jes, I'm up for the challenge.

Firstly you CAN see the pictures with the paper coming out from underneath the roll, coz the whole roll is showing on top. Secondly, I think it's easier to tear it from underneath than on top. I travelled by train from Gympie to Cairns with a drunk who claimed that it's a proven fact that having the roll the wrong way (your way) actually saves paper because you use less - and therefore saves money, but in his boozy state he just couldn't convince me of how he came to that "proven fact". It's an absolute scream really because which ever way you choose, you become quite pedantic about it. I, too, change the roll when someone does it the wrong way. It'll be bum-paper WAR when you come and visit me!!!

Kimberley-Pin said...

Oh yeah, apart from the bluddy pictures, WHY do you do it that way??? *still giggling*

Kirkies said...

Jen, I am with you all the way. Isnt it amazing that people are so pedantic about toilet paper, but never talk about it. I will always change a roll to the RIGHT way, even in public toilets. The drunker I get at parties the more vocal I become about eh bastards turning the roll the WRONG way. Loved your post Jes!!

Jes said...

Ha ha ha Pin. I read your comment out to Mum and she had a giggle too. I honestly dont have a rebuttle for you Pin. Up until I read your comment, I thought there was no other way, but you have convinced me otherwise.

Amie, I would have never thought you to be like that (getting vocal about it when you are drinking) you crack me up - i could just imagine, because I do the same things i.e. public toilets LOL.

How bout we agree to disagree on this one - and Pin, it'll be interesting when I come up for a holiday - GAME ON LOL.

Jes said...

Ha ha ha Pin. I read your comment out to Mum and she had a giggle too. I honestly dont have a rebuttle for you Pin. Up until I read your comment, I thought there was no other way, but you have convinced me otherwise.

Amie, I would have never thought you to be like that (getting vocal about it when you are drinking) you crack me up - i could just imagine, because I do the same things i.e. public toilets LOL.

How bout we agree to disagree on this one - and Pin, it'll be interesting when I come up for a holiday - GAME ON LOL.

Hayley said...

This cracked me up, Jes. I'm with you, and I have another reason for you.

When we lived at Mum and Dad's house in Qld, the walls were really rough, and if you missed the toilet paper and hit the wall, you'd scrape yr fingers for sure!

This tended to happen a lot less if the roll is on the proper way (i'm with you on that), as your fingers are further away from the wall...

Also, for those pooedly challenged people (ie. those with poo on their fingers - no names here...), they are less likely to leave little brown streaks on the wall after tearing off the paper.

That being said, i'd be REALLY cranky if someone kept changing the toilet paper roll around the wrong way in my house - kudos to you for trying to convert them!

Sincerely, another anal toilet paper placer, Hayley

Oh, and PS, I don't know how you guys can touch the toilet paper in public toilets for the same reason that I mentioned just above (ie. brown streaks....EEEEeeew!)


Jes said...

Hayley - you ROCK! That is a better reason than looking at the pictures ROFL.

Pin... you getting this?

I have another one for you - when people couldnt even be bothered putting the roll on, and it ends up sitting on top! I hate that too.

In Pin's defence though... when the toilet paper is the right way (over the top) Riley hits it with his hand and in a good 2 minutes I have lost an entire toilet roll. If i load it the wrong way (under) when he hits it, it just spins and doesnt unravel. So... now i keep the toilet door closed LMAO.

Jen said...

Ok. Having heard the pro's and con's to boths sides of the 'toiler paper saga', I agree with Pin & Jes, and Hayley for that matter, but I will always put my roll on to unravel over the top.
As a youngin though, I was the culprit in our household, that changed the roll to unravel from the bottom (as i thought it looked neater)

I have another pet hate about the 'ol toilet roll.
when you break off your needed amount, do you ensure that it has been torn off neatly along the perferated line? Or does it come off messy and you leave it messy?

THAT would have to be more important that which way the roll is facing, don't you agree?

Love your thoughts on the matter!