Monday 28 May 2007

Back again

Ok. These photos are SO random - I downloaded all the photos i have taken on my phone in the last, Um, month or so. So bare with me... yeah?

Ok, first one (these are in no particular order ok) My beautiful little bubba Riley. This one was taken in his room last break.

Random? Yes - this was a bogger at work. I took this while having a smoke last swing. I thought to myself "self, i might take a photo of this bogger, for no particular reason". So i did.

Ok, this one was taken a month or so ago. Ben and i went to the golfie and i only just got my new phone that day. So the occasion needed a self portrait. Noice.

I am such a tourist - this one was taken a while ago from Sydney airport. I was sitting in the plane waiting to take off. Again, the moment needed a photo ok.

This one was taken on my drive home last break. I got just out of Narromine and there was about 2,000 head of cattle 'having a feed' on the side of the road. Isnt that illegal?? If i wasnt in my pussy little carolla i would have went cow tipping LOL.

Yeah, a close up of the cows and my dirty dash. You didnt notice until i told you eh?

Here is my big baby boy again. I was such a proud mumma - this one definately needed a photo. The big boy can drink a popper without spilling a drop or squeezing it. Only a mother will appreciate my elation with this one. Oh, the gorgeous dimples he gets while sucking on the straw was photo-worthy as well.

Lewis was drawing/colouring me pictures. Monsters are the only thing in is artist vocabulary at the moment. Arghhh... is that scary mum? Yeah dude, I am scared. LOL. He has started writing heaps as well and writes letters to me. Am i a proud mumma or what?

I got the boys a teddy each last time i was home. I got home and gave them a present and ben said "where did you buy them" and I said "the airport" and we just laughed together. Sad i know, but they were the Steve Irwin brand... so soft and cuddly - OK OK I had one when i was little and i slept with the little tiger. Jen/Mum, do you remember the little tiger i had? Mum - is it still at your house? Anyway, the boys liked them, as you can see Riley is having a bit of a cuddle.

Here is Lewis riding the Rhino statue at the Dubbo zoo - he liked it ok!

Here is my very enthusiastic child. Lewis knows how to P-A-R-T-Y.

Riley loves wearing sunnies. Well, safety glasses of Ben's lol. He is such a crack up. Every time you put them on his face he says "Heeeeeeeyyyyyy". The same heeeeyyyyy that we got at 3 o'clock the other morning. LOL

Good morning Lewis.

The boys wont get out of my bed!!!! Any tips on that one Mum?

Heeeeeyyyyy check out the new hair cut. I went to work the other week, came home to 2 kids with bowl cuts! Well Ben's 'short back and sides' cut. They both looked so cute. Especially when Riley has his 'dexter' do.

Well thats it ladies and gents. Please tune in next month for more pictures LOL.

I had a funny story that i told Mum the other day on the phone and she said "Jes, you should blog that" I just sort of laughed - cause MUM....... LOL.

I remember.

Lewis was asking me about wishing stars. Ok, i will do it in dialoug (spelling) so you keep up.

Lewis: Mum are wishing stars real?
Mum: Of course they are real. Sometimes your wishes will come true and sometimes they dont.
Lewis: Oh (sad face)
Mum: Why baby, what do you wish for?
Lewis: I wish we had more food!
Mum: WHAT??? Dont we have enough food?
Lewis: Not as much as everyone else.
Mum: *speachless*
Lewis: *devistated look on his face - verging on tears*
Mum: Who, who has more food than us?
Lewis: um
Mum: You went with Dad and shopped yesterday
Lewis: um
Mum: You could have got whatever you wanted
Lewis: I know
Lewis: No one, why?
Mum: *Thinking* Great - DOCS will be knocking at my door tomorrow because Lewis has probably told his whole school that we have no food in the house and he is skinny as it is. Oh my god - I am a bad mother - have we got enough food in the house? Yeah, we do.
Lewis: Still devvo'd
Mum: Lewis, what do you want? Get your shoes on, we are going shopping.

Love and gorgeous kids,


Suzi said...

ha ha ha poor Lewis. I think someone at school must have had 'something special' in their lunch box. Don't they know it makes other kids feel sad when they don't have 'something special' in their l boxes?? little bastards! Maybe you and Lewis can have a baking day when you are next at home. make lots of spec cupcakes with lots of decos on them, eg scarey things with green or blue or black icing. Send him over to me and we'll have a cook up.

Suzi said...

oh and messy hair day...isn't that what we look like when we wake up? or is that just me?

Jen said...

Oh wow!
I love all you random photos. The kids are soooo cute, bowl cuts or not.

That was a funny story about having no food, it's great that you remember stories like that.
I always have the funniest convo's with kids, then i forget. Duh, what was i saying again? Oh right, your stories - Love em!

Thanks for the twinkly update.

*I do remember your little teddy tiger, who gave it to you?

Jes said...

Jen, Kelly, Crystal, Emma and a few others got it for me for my birthday one year (15 / 16)?? That is all i remember.

Jen said...

Wow! New page - thanks for that, it was a bit 'blinky' when i loaded the page.

Have a nice day today... xxoo

The Candid Bandit said...

Hi Jessa!

I love the new page. It loaded for me in 30 seconds compared to 20 minutes like the last one. LOL

I love all these pics and I swore I commented already but obviously didnt.

I laughed the whole way through this post. All of your comments were a crack up especially Lewis being 'devvo'd about having no food in the house.

The boys change every time you post a picture. They're both utterly squeezable! Give them a cuddle for me will you?

Oh and take both your arms and wrap 'em around yourself. A do it yourself hug from me!


Hayley said...

LOL @ Lewis!

And the photos? How enthusiastic is he? LOL! Cacked myself at your P-A-R-T-Y comment!!! ROFL!

Your boys are looking more and more like separated twins each day.. and very much like their Dadda.
