Tuesday 2 January 2007

2006 in a Nutshell

What a year! So much happened in 2006 - all good too! I have re-capped some of the happenings of 2006;

  • I had Riley (well Dec 31st)
  • I started working again
  • Lewis started and finished Pre-School
  • Lewis turned 5
  • Riley turned 1
  • I turned 27
  • I started my new job in WA
  • I got a new car
  • I got a new neice
  • I have been married for 2 years

To look at it like that...I didn't really do much :) but the year went too quickly and seemed that we never stopped.

I have been racking my brains trying to figure out what I want most in 2007 (resolutions) and I have come up with a few ideas. Firstly, I was talking to a man at work earlier today and we were talking about lotto and the prospect of being rich / broke etc and he said that anyone would be happy with money and spending money and my reply was "we have been broke and had money - but the happiest we have ever been was when we had our kids" - with that I think I know what the most important aspect of my life is...my family. But - money and career must be up there, as I am currently working in another state??? Go figure! Anyway, back to my 2007 resolutions;

  • The most important thing to me (personally - I am so vain) is my weight! I think if I lost a bit of weight - rather toned up I would be content.
  • Next is my career - to be the best!
  • Then there comes money - not the greedy money where i can buy anything i want - the kind of money where Ben can retire and i can support the family.

These resolutions are very selfish - but I have a happy marriage, 2 beautiful and healthy children - so i can be a bit selfish!

Our Christmas was nice - we spent the morning unwrapping presents and headed off to the in-laws at about 1pm.

Riley - Santa brought him his own leather lounge (Baby size) and he is playing with a sprinkler thing.

Lewis - god love him! All he wanted from Santa was this toy that he is holding - he got a few more things!

Our New Years Eve was a bit ordinary! We travelled over to Dubbo to meet up with Jen, Scott, Molly, Mum & Dad for a new years BBQ. That was great - but at 9:30pm we had to travel to Sydney (I drove while everyone slept). I arrived in Sydney about 4:00am. Ben and the kids travelled back home while i took a flight to Perth. I got to Perth about 9:00am then took 1 more plane to get out to work. I arrived at 4:30pm - tired as! I had a shower, had dinner, rang Ben then went to sleep (about 7:00pm). I slept in this morning and missed the bus! Got to work in the end and did heaps today - good to be back into it all.

Happy New Year

So here's to a prosperous, exciting, lucky and gorgeous 2007!

Happy New Year 2007 Hat 2 Noisemaker 3 Noisemaker 2 Count Down

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