Tuesday 23 January 2007

Back @ Nifty


I had a big day yesterday. I left Dubbo at 6:30am, arrived in Sydney a little late so I was in a bit of a rush to catch the Perth plan. I arrived in Perth at 11am (Perth time) and basically went straight from one airport to the other. I caught the Nifty flight at 1pm and arrived at work about 4pm. Phew.... I think I got all that. The flights were pretty good. I sat next to a couple on the Perth flight and they both stank of alcohol and looked a bit seedy. They both slept most of the way. The kids sitting behind me surely let me know that they were there - kicks in the back of my seat the whole way. I was keen to watch Borat but it wasnt showing...I ended up watching Open Season (how old am I) LOL. That was pretty funny.

So I arrived at work, unpacked my bag, rang Ben, had dinner and went to bed by 6pm (I repeat: how old am I?) he he he I was pretty buggered.

I woke up at 4am this morning keen to get back to work. I arrived at work only to find that I dont have the computer or the log-in that was promised...and I did not bring my laptop with me - Arghhhhh! So I have been running around this morning trying to chase up my log-on. Meanwhile, I text'd my boss and got his password in the meantime.

My break was pretty good. Went far to quick, but I really enjoyed my time at home. Riley is walking flat-out and Lewis is just plain flat-out. I did a bit of housework and washing clothes etc. I didnt get to visit anyone while i was at home. I just didnt feel I had the time to, you know!

I couldnt get on the computer while i was at home either. I am married to Mr. Fix-it! Everytime I have problems Ben just casually says "I will fix that for you babe" but....nothing EVERY TIME. I have a toilet that wont flush, but he did rig up a rope and a clip thing so you pull it to flush, a phone line that only works occasionally and the list goes on. But, I dont complain because I love him and I know he works hard and doesnt have the time to do much! LOL. So, I might ring up Telstra today and get them to go up home and fix the line and install a new outlet as well (so my computer is not on the kitchen bench).

I miss the boys already - Ben would disagree, as he thought that I was looking forward to coming back to work! So Ben - I do miss you all.

Jen, I want photos of the new house! How are you settling in etc.
Beck, how did B travel? Did you enjoy your time in Brisbane?

Better hook in. My deadline for my project is the end of the month and I am semi on track!

Have a good week y'all and think of me at sunny nifty!

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