Saturday 6 January 2007

Day 5

9 Sleeps to go! It doesn't feel like a Saturday here. It is hard to keep up with the days and the time - mainly because my body clock is two hours difference and I am working everyday. They usually have a BBQ lunch on Sunday's. That is nice - actually having a lunch hour. I am prone to sitting at my desk and having a bite rather than taking the full hour, or whatever it is.
Apparently lewis has a black eye - poor bugger - he slipped over in Riley's room and hit his face on a box or something.
Riley is walking flat out now. I have only been away for 6 days and feel like I have missed so much. Ben said that he has been an absolute angel and walks nearly everywhere (except when he is in a hurry and crawls like a bat-out-of-hell).

Baby With Bear
I mentioned that I was reading a book.

Book Club

Angels and Demons (I think that is what it is called) by Dan Brown. This book is a bit weird but I cant seem to put it down. My eyes are litterally falling out of my head; on account of me staying up late (10pm LOL) reading.


Now I was christened, did my first holy communion etc and both my kids have been christened - but I dont believe I am a religious person. God, Shmod - we will never know the truth. Anyway, this book is all about religion, god, illuminati, science and to tell you the truth - I can barely understand a word (lots of italian and other languages are quoted often) and the scientific words. But I am enthralled. I am completely in suspense every time I pick the book up - right until I put it down. I have this sense of urgency (regarding the plot) and by the end of it and am thinking "is this a true story?". I have never known any religious goings on i.e. the vatican, pope stuff, artifacts, stories or factual information - so I am learning a bit about this, wether it is true or not. I am only about 1/3 of my way through the book and I dont think it will take me long to finish it. I feel like skipping to the end to see if the Vatican actually blew up with the antimatter container! Do I sound smart LOL.
Anyway - better get cracking - lots to do today. Not before I make a coffee and have a smoke!

Hot Chocolate

Have a good day and remember: Today may be your last. Wear your favourite perfume, tell your loved ones how much you care, take a photo (or two), be happy that you are alive, don't sweat the little things & have fun!
Dating Perfume Digital Camera 2 You’re The Best Kisses


Kimberley-Pin said...

Spoke to your Mum and Dad last night on the phone, for ages....
They were at Go Go's and I am still here, was hoping they would still be around when I got back to Qld. next week, but they'll be gone. Anyway, that's how I learned that you were back in WA. Is this gonna be an ongoing thing -or another one-off?

Jes said...

Hi Pin,
Well, I am not working for the same people I was with before. I am now directly with the company and will be working 2 on 1 off for a while (probably August).
How's it going? You have been quiet on McBlog. I loved your posts and the pictures. How are the girls? Did you spend Christmas with them?