Wednesday 24 January 2007

Another Day...Another Dollar

12 sleeps to go LOL. I should keep the 'count down' until next week perhaps! I feel so tired this morning - that could be because I was up til nearly midnight last night then up at 4am. No, I wasnt up drinking or having fun - I went to the gym last night at about 7pm for about 40 minutes then went back to my room and simply could not sleep. My neighbour had his TV up loud watching a movie last night til late and our rooms are only dongers (adco huts) and there is not much seperating the rooms. Thank god he wasnt watching porn - just a regular movie!

I layed awake thinking, thinking - not about anything in particular. So another big day ahead of me. My boss flys in this morning at 9am. I got so much work done yesterday and hope to kick a few goals again today.

Oh, there was a guy on the plane with me on Monday and I thought he looked familiar, and now he is sitting in the same office as me and I was talking to him and I realised that he used to work at CSA too. Small world eh? He was the backfill engineer about 3-4 years ago.

I have a digital camera here now, so I will cruise around today and take some photos and post them later. I dont really know what I will take photos of..... but I know you are dying to see where I am working!!! LOL. Think........desert........think.......barron........think..........mine site........think...........dusty.........think........HOT!!! That just about sums it up anyhow.

The boys are all going good. I am a bit jelous, as Ben gets Friday off (Australia Day) as well as Saturday and Sunday. He and the boys will probably just hang out and Ben said he might take them to the pool as well. It is very rare for Ben to get days off - when I was home last break I think I only saw him of a night tmie and he only had 1 day where he didnt go to work, and that happened to be the day he put me on the plane. Oh well, even though I wont be there - I hope you have a relaxing work-free long weekend! Oooo, I might even get my toilet fixed....... maybe ;)

Have a great Wednesday and think of me when you are organising your long weekend celebrations :( as it will be "business as usual" at sunny nifty.

Ciao baby


Kimberley-Pin said...

Oh poor little Jes, you sound so lonely out there....
I wish it was closer, I'd drop in for a coffee. Hope it gets easier as you go along, tho it must be hard being away from the boys. Hey, Kakadu has a cupla mines, One is the Ranger mine, only a couple of klms from Jabiru, the miners are home every night.... (Uranium)
I think the other one is Jabiluka or something like that. Look up the Ranger Mine and see if they've got any work!!!!

Hayley said...

Now THAT would be dangerous...being near to Aunty Pin? It would surely make the nights go by a lot quicker! (and you could get those 'tips for raising little boys' in person!)

Can't wait to see yr photos.

Jayde & Diddles said...

Hey chick. What day are you coming back home?? Definately got to organise to catch up. Can't wait to see the photo's. Cheers, Jayde xoxox