Wednesday 10 January 2007

Day 9

Onyl 5 sleeps to go now... look out!

I have a bit on today - my boss and another colleague flew in today, so they are currently doing a changeover and I have a meeting later on today.
I have decided to go on a "gastric bypass diet". I am not getting gastric bypass surgery - but I was thinking last night why I never loose weight and basically it is because I eat and spend most of my days in front of the compter working. So I was thinking about eating way less, then I had the moral delemah in my head "you can't eat like a rabbit, that is bad for you" then I thought about the people who have gastric bypass surgery and thought "well it is the same thing, only the surgery is not-negotiable with the eating like a rabbit and the 'diet' is using hard core will power. As far as I see it - I am in the perfect situation here at work to eat less & excersize more. So I had a bit breakfast this morning (sultana bran and light milk) and I didnt pack any lunch and when I return to the village this afternoon I will go to the mess, grab some fruit and head to the gym (eating my fruit after the gym). I will see how I feel tomorrow morning, starving no doubt.
Eating Pizza
I know the formula (less in & more out = weightloss) but I really dont do much in a 12 hour day except sit in front of the computer, so less food for me. I am not looking at dropping 10 kgs in a week, but something would be a start at least.
Fat Man 4
My spare tyre is getting me down lately and at the moment is the only thing in my life that i have not got in control, so time to take charge - and if that means turning into a sparrow for a few days, so be it! I will have to grab some vitamins when i get home too, because i am definately not getting them here. My hair is falling out, my skin is shit and i feel a little deflated. I feel good most of the time though! See how I go.


Jayde & Diddles said...

You go girl... Your making me want to get out there and loose my spare tyre.. He he isn't that funny, I have one and I haven't had kids!!! Hope to catch up this time your home.


Jes said...

That would be good. How are you going? How is work? Yeah, you know the feeling you get when you put on weight, like you have let yourself go... but you look fantastic mate - you probably only have to do 1 sit-up to get back on track LOL

See you when I get home!

The Candid Bandit said...

OMG, you have a sparkly pointer!

I know what you are saying Jes. somedays you just want a kick start.

You'll get there. Get in that GYM!! :)