Sunday 28 January 2007

Feeling Hot Hot Hot

46 degrees at 6pm yesterday, no power at the camp and guess who had a migrane? I am quite disappointed in myself as I always drive that one home when I am training. I know all the effects of dehydration, stats, symptoms...but it hit me. I drank 2 litres of Aqualite at 6pm (a drink used in the mining industry to rapidly hydrate and replace electrolytes (sp). So got the bus at about 7pm (got the late bus on account of my office had air conditioning and my room's power was off). Went straight down for dinner - had a piece of fish and then went straight to my room.

I just checked the weather and at 5:30am it was 30 degrees.

I think I have lost a little weight - I have been to the gym every night (cept last night when my head was going to explode) and hitting the rowing machine. I did 7 kms the night before last. Another reason for this little weight-loss may have something to do with the camp food. I heard a guy talking the other day about the food and he said that while he is up here he can shit through the eye of a needle. LOL. But he is probably very right.

I changed it up a bit today. I went to the mess this morning and really didnt feel like my usual sultana bran (cause i really dont need bran right now LOL) and so i opted for something more solid-like, so I have vegemite on toast and a coffee.

Another contributing factor could be this damn heat, loosing 8 litres of sweat per day or that i am so goddamn tired. I am feeling very exhausted. I might knock of work early today and go and have a 'granny nap' - yes... I think I will.

Other than the food and is great. Getting everything done and feeling like I have achieved what I came here to do.

I put a link on here with good 'ol Nifty weather, so y'all can feel really sorry for me! It has Marble Bar on it, but that is the closest post code to here. I checked on Cobar weather yesterday, 26 WTF. There was a town in Victoria that was 0 (maybe there weather station is broken) - Are we in the same country?

Ok, better go have a coffee and a smoke and start my 13 hour day. Is it Sunday today?? 8 sleeps to go!

Oh, sorry I didnt do pictures yet. It's too hot outside :) Will try and get some inside shots today.

Love to yo mummas.


Jen said...

LOL... What are we ? Twins or something??
'Feeling hot hot hot' was the title to my post!! hahaha
Wow, I know all about migrains.. but not in that sort of heat with no power - You poor 'ol thang, hope that doesn't happen too much!

have a great day kitty.
Love Jen

Jes said...

LOL I didnt even realise.

They were changing us over from generator to electric power yesterday, so power probs all gone - we hope.

Jen said...

touch wood...

Jen said...

how come you aren't on messenger anymore?

Anonymous said...

hey Jess, I missed you last time you were home, hope to catch up this time.

The heat wave will come back to Cobar it always does so dont think your alone old girl.
