Sunday 14 January 2007

Going Home Tomorrow

Last working day today for me!
I was going to put a happy smiley in here, but I have lost the smiley toolbar and can't find it. So if you see it, can you send it home? Thanks.

We are having a BBQ lunch today, then I will finish work at about 5:30pm, have tea, do some washing and go to bed. I get a sleep-in tomorrow and catch the bus to the airport about 8:30am.

I will get to Perth about lunch time. I don't fly out of Perth until 12am (midnight) so I will go and do some shopping, get the kids some presents, catch a movie, go out for dinner etc.

I will be able to get on the net tomorrow night from the Qantas lounge in Perth - so I will be able to get my daily blog dose! I will arrive in Sydney at 6am Tuesday morning and then arriving in Dubbo at 9am. I have left my car in Dubbo, so I will drive it home, after I get some pizzas that is.

I am so excited about going home! I have butterflys just thinking about it.

I probably wont post here when I am home, but I will be back here Tuesday 23rd January - so check back in then.

So have a good week and make it count!


Jen said...

Yay for you!
That went really quick, didn't it?
I'll see you on Tues morn

Suzi said...

Have a great trip home.
I have just checked the weather and there is a bit of activity over your your airstrip dirt or bitumen?

Jes said...

The airstrip is dirt, but dries out really quickly. We were due for thunderstorms Monday, but hopefully I will have flown out by then, cause I am leaving in the morning and the storms are usually in the afternoon. Crossing fingers anyway.

The Candid Bandit said...

YAY! Have a safe trip home and Im sorry I missed your calls today!

Hayley said...

Wow, I just get back on to read this and you're almost due to fly out again? Where did that time go?

Noticed yr comment on Bec's site, is a move to Perth in the works?