Thursday 11 January 2007

What is going on here?

Can someone please help me?
My computer was working fine yesterday, and today I have no sound. I checked in Control Panel and it said that I had no sound devices. What tha!
Throw Computer
All I remember before I turned the computer off yesterday was an Automatic Update or some shit.
Computer Smash
Why wont it just work?

Desperately seeking sound

On another note of What's going on here?

I read in the news this morning that a man in Perth shot his two children, then himself. Reportedly the children are aged 2 years and an infant.

So this guy shoots dead a 2 year old and a baby after a domestic with the Mrs. What a fucking gutless peice of shit! After tears where welling up in my eyes I thought about why someone would do that and why children have to suffer from people's psychotic-ness.

Like the person that left the 2 year old in the car and it died, and the woman who let the pram roll into the river killing her 5 month old baby and the man that punched his 2 month old baby in the stomach killing it (these things happened in the last couple of months) and list goes on. Yeah, sure I know accidents happen - but murder!

If I could I would set up a charity - DONATE YOUR KIDS TO ME IF YOU DON'T WANT THEM, at least they would get to see the Wiggles, and have their first day of school - you get the picture. Ok, I am sitting at my desk blubbering now.

So: before you get angry at your children and have an urge to put a pillow over them, or shoot them, or hurt them in any way - remember that they are inocent and have the right to live, take your rage out at the gym eh?


Jayde & Diddles said...

They are gutless sick bastards!!!! What a sick prick that father must have been.. Something obviously set him off to beable to just shoot his kids (then himself) whilst his missus was out shopping. God that shits me.

How are ya anyways Jes! Hope your having fun and get rid of your computer problems.. he he..

The Candid Bandit said...

There are a few differenet situations there Jes. Two of these were revolting accidents. Yes, they were avoidable accidents but freak accidents none-the less. They differ greatly to the insane idiots that deliberately hurt their babies.

The 2 yr old CLIMBED into the car while playing. Her mother couldnt find her but kept looking and looking. Accident. Shockingly sad accident that only a key or clicking her ccar locked could have done. You know as well as I do that could happen to us. In the 70 degree car it took only 10 minutes to die. We could have been hanging out washing and that could have happened.

The mother out running left the brake off her pram while answering her mobile, the pram rolled into the lake quickly (she was on waters edge) and the mother thought someone actually STOLE the pram. She didnt push it. Granted she did the wrong thing but that woman will be screaming in her sleep long after we've forgotten about it. The coroners have already got their finding and she was cleared of 'suspicious' things.

The domestic situations are NEVER about the kids. Its a fucked up control freak that trie to control their wife by hurting the things most precious to her. I can onloy say Im glad the dads are dead. Gutless pricks, but again, the children's deaths break my bloody heart.

The fuckwit that punched his baby in the stomach makes me cry everytime I hear about it. He deserved death in my eyes.

I wish I could change the world too.

Cause then you have gutless bastards like my partner who choose drugs over his child. What the fuck do you do?

Jes said...

Hey Jayde, Hey Beck.

Ahhh, I know there are accidents, but, you yourself know, as a mother you are always "assessing the risks" in every aspect of your lives - like moving things out of the way before, not after, the child sees it, or not taking your eyes off the child for a second. I think of the poor woman who's baby rolled into the river and you automatically put yourself in that situation, and i can say with conviction that i am always in contact with the pram (foot on the wheel, or holding the handle rocking it) that goes the same as taking kids shopping physically dont take your eyes off would know that with Bradman!! I am sure he gets away from you. But....Every 'accident' is preventable, and sad or not a parent or carer is 100% responsible for that child and that child's life is literally in their hands.

But like you said, the guy that punched his bub - well, I am speachless... does not belong in society.

Thanks for your comment Beck - you put a few different angles on what I heard on the news.

The Candid Bandit said...

Anytime Jes!

I agree, we are responsible 100% of the time. In the case of these accidents, I really don't think they need the criticism of the world on their shoulders when they'll physically cry them selves to sleep over it for many years to come.

You'll be proud, I took bubby for a walk tonight. He fell asleep in the pram and went straight down to sleep in his cot not problems!

Jes said...

Yay Beck, when they get older it seems they loose their routines. Ben has been having the same dramas with Riley.

Good on you, did you feel in control and proud of yourself?